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"He is Misteh John Winton, as you informed me just now; one of the brainiest constructing engineers in this entiah country, and the hardest man in this or any otheh country to down in a right-of-way fight that's who he is. And it's not what he's done, my deah Virginia, it's what he is going to do. If I can't get him killed up out of ouh way," but here Mr.

Looking back oveh ouh acquaintance, thah's nothing in that young man for me to put a fingeh on; but, Tom, I tell you in confidence, suh, I'd give five yeahs of my old life, if the good Lord has that many mo' in His book for me, if the blood of the Dabneys didn't have to be uh mingled with that of these heah damned Yankees. I would, for a fact, suh!"

"An' who the dooce is this Raymond Martin, M.P.?" demanded Beetle, when he read the notice of the lecture in the corridor. "Why do the brutes always turn up on a Saturday?" "Ouh! Reomeo, Reomeo. Wherefore art thou Reomeo?" said McTurk over his shoulder, quoting the Shakespeare artiste of last term. "Well, he won't be as bad as her, I hope. Stalky, are you properly patriotic?

"Well, naw, seh," scratching his head reflectively. "I cain't s'ay they kin not to say play" as if they were all taking lessons, and expected to become proficient at some not far distant day. "In fac', seh, none on um knows a wued o' music. I didn't mean, seh, I didn't 'tend the the instrument fu' househol' puhpasses I I 'tended hit as a off'in' to ouh Sabbath-school.

"An unprejudiced outsideh might say that the 'horrid men with their guns' were on top of that embankment, my deah ten to ouh one," he remarked. "But I should think we might win in some other way," Virginia persisted undauntedly. Mr. Darrah pushed his plate aside and cleared his throat.

When Mary Louise had apparently finished and turned to her again, she smiled. "You ain' eveh see ouh house befo', is you?" Mary Louise admitted she never had. And then to disarm any suspicion that she might have come for social reasons only, she attacked the matter in hand with characteristic vigour: "Zeke's not home much, is he?" "Right smaht he ain', no'm." Zenie's face was all expectant smiles.

And when the secretary had vanished the Rajah made his explanations to all and sundry. "I've been obliged in a manneh to change ouh itinerary. Anotheh company is trying to fault us up in Qua'tz Creek Canyon, and I am in a meashuh compelled to be on the ground.

"Not yet not yet," he muttered, "wait a minute. Please wait a minute. I shall get it then " Our magic windows fronting on the sea, The dangerous foam of desolate seas .. For aye. "Ouh, my God!"

His hearers were seemingly much affected, and interrupted him from time to time with shouts and groans and loud amens. "Dis is d' promise' lan'!" cried old Polete, waving his arms above his head in a wild ecstasy. "All we hab t' do is t' raise up an' take it from ouh 'pressahs. Ef we stays hyah slaves, it's ouh own fault. Now's d' 'pinted time. D' French is ma'chin' obah d' mountings t' holp us.