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Let the ancient and the modern hero "repose under the shadow of their laurels," as the French have it, while Barny O'Reirdon's historian, with a pardonable jealousy for the honor of his country, cuts down a goodly bough of the classic tree, beneath which our Hibernian hero may enjoy his otium cum dignitate.

Tædet me harum quotidianarum formarum, these pestilential clerk-faces always in one's dish. Oh for a few years between the grave and the desk! they are the same, save that at the latter you are the outside machine. I dare not whisper to myself a pension on this side of absolute incapacitation and infirmity, till years have sucked me dry, Otium cum indignitate. The hope is gone.

You can watch the sun setting in splendour over Worthing, or illuminating with its rising glories the ups and downs of Rottingdean. You see the citizen with his family inveigled into the shallops of the mercenary native mariner, and fancy that the motion cannot be pleasant; and how the hirer of the boat, otium et oppidi laudat rura sui, haply sighs for ease, and prefers Richmond or Hampstead.

He had fixed upon fifty millions of livres as the maximum he should wish for, and when that sum was in his possession, he resolved to resign all pretensions to rank and employment, and to enjoy 'otium cum dignitate'. He had kept to his determination, and so regulated his income that; with the expenses, pomp, and retinue of a Prince, he is enabled to make more persons happy and comfortable than his extortions have ruined or even embarrassed.

Its insertion would involve ourselves in a war we mean of "words, words, words." As a private opinion, we admit the argument of the defence; though it militates so strongly with passion and prejudice that its insertion would be the war-hoop for a whole community of peace-makers to break in upon our literary otium.

Thus, if moved to civic indignation by pieces of orange-peel on the pavement, he styled himself 'Urban Rambler; if anxious to protest against the overcrowding of 'bus or railway-carriage, his signature was 'Otium cum Dignitate. When he took a holiday at the seaside, unwonted leisure and novel circumstances prompted him to address local editors at considerable length.

The Onondago never would work, however, and I have heard my father say, great was his happiness when he found he was to pass the remainder of his days in otium cum dignitate, and without the necessity of making baskets." "Yop is looking at us; had we not better go up at once and speak to them?" "Yop may stare the most openly, but my life on it the Indian sees twice as much.

Barclay, being a Liberal in Church and State not having been allowed to act as a counterbalance to his other qualifications for the high office to which he is about to be raised." Principal Barclay enjoys in his present capacity an otium cum dignitate to which, after the labours of a long life, he is well entitled.

As a circle can only touch a circle in one place, every thing that life presents to him, wherever it comes from to whatever portion of his soul it is applied can find but one point of contact; and that is the soreness of affliction: whether it is the oblivio or the otium that he requires, he finds equally that he is for ever in want of one treasure: 'neque gemmis neque purpura venale nec auro."

Morgan was enjoying his otium, in a dignified manner, surveying the evening fog, and smoking a cigar, on the doorsteps, when Arthur Pendennis, Esq., the hero of this history, made his appearance at the well-known door. "My uncle out, I suppose, Morgan?" he said to the functionary; knowing full well that to smoke was treason, in the presence of the major.