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Jenny! sweet and true and good and dear as ever, if only you would just take a sudden fancy for someone else! Meanwhile the months were going by, and the day drawing nearer when, for a brief moment of fire, the orbits of those two separated lives were to touch once more. What of Isabel during these months?

Tollman was gazing at his wife with brows incredulously arched but his scepticism appeared amused almost urbane. "But where in the world did you and Mrs. Holbury meet? Your orbits have no points of contact." "She was driving to Provincetown and stopped here." "Ah!"

Truth is its handmaid, freedom is its child, peace is its companion; safety walks in its steps, victory follows in its train; it is the brightest emanation of the Gospel, it is the greatest attribute of God: it is that centre round which human motives and passions turn: and Justice, sitting on high, sees Genius and Power, and Wealth and Birth, revolving round her throne; and teaches their paths and marks out their orbits, and warns with a loud voice, and rules with a strong arm, and carries order and discipline into a world, which but for her would only be a wild waste of passions.

Our solar system is set by itself in the midst of a great space, and so far as we have learnt about it in this book everything in it seems orderly: the planets go round the sun and the satellites go round the planets, in orbits more or less regular; there seems no place for anything else.

Again and again the old metaphysical laws have been forced aside by observation; as, for example, when Kepler showed that the planetary orbits are not circular, and Galileo's telescope proved that the spot-bearing sun cannot be a perfect body in the old Aristotelian sense.

They speak of the "checks and balances" of the Constitution, and use to express their idea the simile of the organization of the universe, and particularly of the solar system, how by the attraction of gravitation the various parts are held in their orbits; and then they proceed to represent Congress, the Judiciary, and the President as a sort of imitation of the solar system.

We may gather some idea of their relations by placing in imagination a second luminary like our sun in circulation between the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. But systems of still more majestic proportions are reduced by extreme remoteness to apparent insignificance.

The extent of the universe, however, is so great that, whereas the distance of the earth from the sun is considerable in comparison with the size of the other planetary orbits, it disappears when compared with the sphere of the fixed stars.

Beyond the sun's domain only whirling stars, coupled in eccentric orbits, dark stars, some of them, but no planets in short a wilderness, full of all energies except those of sentient life! This is not a pleasing picture, and I do not think we are driven to contemplate it. Beyond doubt, Dr.

He was the male of the species to which she belonged the out-trailer, the hater of humdrum, of dull orbits and of routine. The thrilling years he had spent business! This was the adventure of which he had always dreamed, and since it would never arrive as a sequence, he had proceeded to dramatize it! He was Tom Sawyer grown up; and for a raft on the Mississippi substitute a seagoing yacht.