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"Dat's jist what dey all say. Let any one beat a drum a thousand miles off, and dey's all on de rampage to follow it." "The Bishop thought Master John right to go." "Bless your heart, Miss Phill! De Bishop! De Bishop! He don't know no more 'an a baby 'bout dis world! You should ha' seen de way he take up and put down Mass'r John's rifle. Mighty onwillin' he was to put it down kind ob slow like.

Educatin' public sentiment up to lovin' me, and urgin' me not to be so offish, and to obleege 'em by takin' a office them is my 2 strong holts. If I can only hang back, and act onwillin', and get the masses fierce to elect me why, I'm made. And then, I've got a plan in my head." I groaned, in spite of myself.

Well, Jabez knew I wuz onwillin' to have him tackle the job of warmin' our house with his new water pipe invention, because I had spoke my mind about it when he and Karen had been over to spend the evenin', and Karen come over the next mornin' ostensibly to borry a cup of molasses, she wuz lookin' wore out, she'd worked so hard the day before, doin' a big washin' and bringin' the water from the creek, and I sez, "Why didn't Jabez bring it for you?"

"Our cow came back just at sunset last night." "And so did them all, exciptin' our own, which makes me more onwillin' to accipt any excuse she may have to give." "Let me see, Terry; Brindle wore a bell round her neck, didn't she?" "That she did, and she seemed quite proud of the same." "Did you make hunt for her last night?"

Josiah argyed and said that "he guessed if everybody follered David up and thanked him he would have his hands full." "But," I sez, "Other folks can do as they're a mind to, I shall do my duty," so I went up to his office follered by a onwillin' Josiah, and advanced towards him where he sot alone at his desk.

Yor Majesty! And 'Lias laid his head on one side and listened. In a few seconds a cunning smile stole over his lips. 'Wal, Davy, yo're in luck. He's noan so onwillin, we'st ha him here in a twinklin. Yo may coe him mony things, but yo conno coe him proud. Noa, as I've fund him, Charles Stuart has no soart o' pride about him. Aye, theer yo are! Sir, your Majesty's obleeged an humble servant!

But he went on drivin' the arrow of higher criticism still deeper into my onwillin' breast. "I'll bet you didn't see his legs tied together at the ankles, or his trouses slit up the sides to show gauze stockin's and anklets and diamond buckles.