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"Did she gin it to ye?" he inquired. "Yes." "An' be ye a goin' to keep it?" "Yes, I'm going to keep it." Jim was evidently doubtful touching the delicacy both of tendering and receiving such a gift. "If that thing had come to me from the little woman," said he, "I should think she was gittin' oneasy, an' a little dubersome about my comin' to time.

"Yis, sor. She had oneasy nights, like, an' would be off downstairs at the foist peep o' day. She brooded too much over the papers, I'm feared; though 'twas natural to read av the divils who killed her kin and swateheart in France." "Did Julie ever speak to you of Mr. Spencer?" "Wance or twice, maybe," admitted Rosa reluctantly. "Did she ever meet Mr. Spencer away from the house?" "Niver, sor."

"Hello, Jake!" said the doctor, pleasantly, as her father lifted her down from the high buggy. "I guess missus tole you how I heard Tillie fainted away in a swoond day before yesterday, so this morning I come over to see her oncet Aunty Em she was some oneasy. And I seen she would mebbe have another such a swoond if she didn't get a long day out in the air.

He did not wait for it. Kissing her, he flung himself into the saddle I had left, and we watched him mutely as he waved back to us from the edge of the woods. In the night I found myself sitting up in bed, listening to a running and stamping near the cabin. Polly Ann was stirring. "Davy," she whispered, "the stock is oneasy."

It seemed as if everything brung him up before me, the provisions we had on the dining car wuz good and plenty of 'em, and how they made me think of him, who wuz a good provider. The long, long days and nights of travel, the jar and motion of the cars made me think of him who often wuz restless and oneasy.

But I think it was the lamb that she had in a bakin', that drew her back towards home. She owned up that her hired girl didn't baste it enough. And she seemed oneasy. But I stood firm, and says, "I shall see that man, lamb or no lamb." And then Sally give in. And she found him easy enough. She knew all the time, it was the sheep that hampered her. And, oh!

How man watched over the woman he loved; how he shielded her from every rude care; kept labor and sorrow far, far from her; how woman's life wuz like a oneasy, roarin', rushin' river, that swept along discontented and onsatisfied, moanin' and lonesome, until it swept into the calm sea of Repose melted into union with the grand ocian of Rest, marriage.

"Potatoes ain't quite up to last year, but the corn crop's a record breaker." "Mis' Hornblower's knee trouble her much?" "Well, no, not to say trouble." Mr. Hornblower plucked his beard with his disengaged hand and cast a thoughtful glance at his companion. "She's a little oneasy in her mind though, Mis' Hornblower is. She's got an idea in her head and it keeps her as oneasy as a flea.

"Then they are likely to make a pretty long stay," said I; "and, in that case, we may be discovered at any moment." "That they're likely to stay here some time I'll not deny," returned Bob; "but I don't feel partic'lar oneasy about bein' discovered.

Well he fairly turned Sall's head; the more we wanted her to give him up the more she would'nt, and we got plaguy oneasy about it, for his character was none of the best.