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Updated: August 1, 2024

"There's not enough wind to fill the sail of a toy boat," grumbled Sebright; "and you can't pull this heavy gig ashore with only that one-armed man at the other oar." He was sorry he could not send us off with four good rowers.

I often watched them playing bowls on the lawn with a marvellous dexterity a one-armed man holding the chair steady for a double amputation while the latter took his aim. I remember seeing a man struggling painfully along with an above-the-knee leg, obviously his first day out. A group of men watched his efforts.

Double and quit that's us." This was an extraordinarily long speech for "One-armed" Kirby; it showed that he was deeply in earnest. "Double and quit?" breathed the girl. "Do you mean it, dad?" He nodded: "I'm going to leave you heeled. I don't aim to take my eyes off this barge again till she's in Dawson."

"Fiddlestick, woman, with your haunted Tower!" said the magistrate, who was apt soon to lose his patience; "I suspect that you and your one-armed companion there, who looks as scared as if he had a real goblin at his heels, have been leaving some door or window open by which these ghosts, as you call them, have found an entrance, and if they have not got out by the same way they came in they must still be somewhere about the building, and you must be held responsible for any mischief they may commit you hear me, sirrah!"

But the narrative may derive a further interest from one other fact concerning this intrepid explorer, whom we have seen standing at the bow of his boats and guiding them over tempestuous falls, rapids and whirlpools, soaring among the crags of almost perpendicular cañon-walls and suspended by his fingers from the rocks four hundred feet above the level of the river: Major Powell is a one-armed man!

You wouldn't never suspicion that a one-armed man was sailin' her now, would you?" "No!" Stuart spoke with the rising inflection of a flattering interest. "Has he only one arm?" Ira's nod was solemnly affirmative. "He shot the other one off oncet while he was a-gunnin' and, in a manner of speakin', it was the makin' of him.

In response, a tall, one-armed man worked his way from the outer gallery through the crowd and advanced to the rail. I knew Reed by sight only, my middle brother having made several trips with his trail cattle, but he was known to every one by reputation.

Then I think we had better go to bed also, for it would be tragic if we fell asleep; we should have to stay where we are all night, because there is no one strong enough to carry us;" and Nealie's laugh rang out, as if she had not a care in the world, and was promptly echoed by Rupert and Sylvia. The One-armed Man The seven had hardly finished breakfast next morning when Mr. Wallis arrived.

The water isn't running in the butler's pantry; I have to go in the kitchen for it. If you would light the gas there for me " "Yes, certainly," he responded promptly, pushing the portières aside to make a passage for her, as he went ahead to scratch a match and light the long, one-armed flickering kitchen burner.

"Yes, my dear I understand. But I think you might call me mother." If it cost her something to say that, she was amply repaid. Marion gave her one grateful look and fled, fearing that tears would be misunderstood. And Jack made no move to follow her, but stayed and gathered his mother again into a one-armed imitation of a real bear-hug. I think Jack wiped the last jealous thought out of Mrs.

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