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Then I walked very slow, towards the gate. "It gave me a message for you," ses Joe, walking beside me. "'We was always pals, Joe," it ses, "'you and me, and I want you to pay up fifteen bob for me wot I borrowed off of Bill the watchman. I can't rest until it's paid, it ses. So here's the fifteen bob, watchman." He put his 'and in 'is pocket and takes out fifteen bob and 'olds it out to me.

Only Betty's thoughts seemed to wander at times and she had to be brought back by sundry mischievous and significant remarks from the young folks. Worn out with fun, the young soldiers slept like tops that night in their improvised beds and rose the next morning professing to feel like "two year olds" and ready for whatever new fun and adventure the day might bring them.

I made verses one day, there not very nice, but there true I saw it: The little lams are beautiful, There cotes are soft and nice, The little calves have ringworm, And the 2-year olds have lice! Now I'm going' to make more; it seems to bad to leve it like that. It must be very nasty, But to worrie, what's the use; Better be cam and cheerfull, And appli tobaka jooce.

But it is hard to refuse children, especially to a mother who has left five or six at home, and who fancies she sees, in some of these little eager, childish faces, something now and then that reminds her of her own. For my part, I got schooled so that I could stand them all, except the little toddling three-year olds they fairly overcame me.

I also noticed that, on most occasions, the three year olds gave out, or became so leg-weary that they could scarce walk out of the way of the swingle-tree, whereas those of four and upward would be bright and brisk, and able to eat their forage when they came to camp. The three year old mules would lie down and not eat a bite, through sheer exhaustion.

He gave his thanks to the officers and guards for kindnesses rendered him. He hoped that he had died in charity with all men and at peace with God. Dr. Olds concluded with a feeling prayer for the prisoner. Rev. Dr.

"A good name too; only it weren't his. He was a gen'lem'n born, sir, as had gone maskewerading. One of our officers knowed him at 'ome, reckonises him, steps up, 'olds out his 'and right off, and says he, ''Ullo, Norrie, old chappie! he says. The other was coming up, as bold as look at it; didn't seem put out that's where blood tells, sir!

Ven I 'olds a 'orse I expecs to be paid for so doin', same as you expecs to be paid w'en you attends a board-meetin' to grin an' do nuffin. "`Come, come, boy, said Sir Richard, gettin' redder in the face than I ever before saw him, `I am not accustomed to low pleasantry, and "`An' I ain't accustomed, broke in the boy, `to 'igh hinsults.

Down in Ohio and Indiana were Winton and Haynes; Duryea was in Pennsylvania; over in Michigan were Olds, Ford, Maxwell, with the brilliant Brush, dreaming mechanical dreams; in New York Walker kept to the faith of the motor-car. At that time some of the giants of to-day were outside the motor fold.

"Commencement day" always reminds me of the start for the "Derby," when the beautiful high-bred three-year olds of the season are brought up for trial. That day is the start, and life is the race. Here we are at Cambridge, and a class is just "graduating." Poor Harry! he was to have been there too, but he has paid forfeit; step out here into the grass back of the church; ah! there it is: