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John Varvares, the oiler, John Denif and John Meek, the firemen, were on watch with me, and had they remained below they would not have been killed. “After the firing began I went below again to attend to the boiler, and a few minutes later a solid shot came crashing through the side of the boat and into the boiler, where it exploded and destroyed seventy of the tubes. “At first it stunned me.

He had not a doubt that the horses belonged to men in the service of the K. & Z., and that something was on foot similar to the attempted burning of the bridge-car. What should he do? Return the three miles to the junction? or continue on to the track-machine? For undoubtedly the owners of the horses were there; and the machine, he knew, was in the sole charge of an oiler.

Armed with an electric torch, which the Chief carried, and a large sketch-book which I regretted taking almost as soon as we started, we set out on our quest of Dantesque scenery. At first our road ran along the quays by the river side. A camouflaged Admiralty oiler was loading fuel oil by means of three pipes that looked like the tentacles of an octopus clutching on to the side of the ship.

Dismounting from the rail, he hastened to the engine-room, where he found Sampson getting the engine ready to be put in motion. "Ah, Christy, I thought you had gone," said the oiler. "Who were those two men who were on board?" asked Christy, not a little excited. "They were two gentlemen you brought on board, Christy," replied Sampson, innocently enough.

Terence killed Mr. Uhl with the monkey wrench, I killed the big coal passer, I think I killed the oiler, and one fireman was out of the scrap from the beginning. Then I killed the first assistant and locked the other fireman in his room. That leaves Mr. Henckel and a coal passer to be reckoned with. Now there was some shooting up forward and somebody was hit.

"Say! are we going to follow them?" asked the excited Frenchy. "Aw, you poor fish!" scoffed Torry. "Where'd we follow them to? Back to that stinking oiler? And how would we follow them to sea? We haven't a boat." "That's so," Frenchy admitted, crestfallen. "No good to try to keep tabs on them," admitted Phil. "I hope Ensign MacMasters will pick up news of that boat again.

The small oiler slipped the coiled mesh through his calloused hands. He edged around Ali, keeping his eyes on the protuding protruding bump of red upon red which was his quarry. " two three four five " Ali was counting under his breath but Dane could not see that many. He was sure of only four, and those because he had seen them move.

"No, sir, I never drink any liquor, for I am a preacher," replied the oiler, with a very serious and solemn expression on his face. "How do you happen to be a greaser on a steamer if you are a preacher?" "I worked on a steamer on the Alabama River before I became a preacher, and I took it up again. I was raised in a preacher's family, and worked in the house."

We had a hard time finding it in the night and rain, but at length, discovering the concierge's bell, we sent a vigorous peal clanging through the darkness. Oiler lifted the canvas flap of the ambulance to see about our patients. "All right in there, boys?" "Yes," answered a voice. "Not cold?" "Non. Are we at the hospital?" "Yes; we are trying to wake up the concierge."

He didn't show it much, bein' one of them quiet kind, but he says to me one day not long after Duncan had got the calves back: 'I've been stung, Pete, he says, soft an' even like; 'I've been stung proper, by that damned oiler.