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But of course I've got 'fright' an' 'sight' an' 'height' in there to kind of off-set that." He squirmed in his chair. "You take her an' read her." He passed the papers over to Hollis and rose from his chair. "I'll be goin' back to the outfit; Norton was sayin' that he wanted me to look up some strays an' I don't want him to be waitin' for me.

It was a distinction that placed one at a bound in the front ranks of juvenile aristocracy. Chick crept from his hiding-place and listened. The voices grew louder and more excited. Drawn as by a magnet he slipped up the stairs step by step. At the top was an off-set in the hall, a corner in which he could hide, unseen from the open door beyond.

From the time he took up his headquarters on the hill at Cassel, he became "a desk man"; it was no longer his function to execute orders; thenceforth he had the far more trying duty of issuing orders a truly awful responsibility and one which demands much solitude, much soul-searching as well as map-pondering and other weighing of the ponderable which is so easily off-set by the imponderable, the unguessable.

"The king is evidently learning to play the instrument, and he'd rather have that than a phonograph, which only winds up." "But haven't you some other things you can give the king to off-set the banjo?" asked Mr. Damon. "Plenty of them," replied Tom.

The disparity of the opposing forces in that affair was, therefore, not important, and Birge's somewhat greater numbers may fairly be considered as off-set by the advantages of Taylor's position and the familiarity with the country common to nearly all the Confederate soldiers there engaged, while to their antagonists it was an unknown land.

Spanish ships manned by Spanish crews and ranked by maritime agencies as first class were made eligible to them. All ships receiving these bounties must admit naval cadets and perform certain services for the Government. To shipbuilders, as off-set to the duties on imported materials which they must pay, bounties for port materials as well as for ships were granted by this law.

The above operation of detaching the bast layer from the stem is technically known as "retting," and a good type of retting or steeping place is an off-set of a run, branch, or stream where the water moves slowly, or even remains at rest, during the time the plants are under treatment.

But there are lunatics everywhere and of all ages." Never had the Advocate seemed so much discouraged. Ostend had fallen, and the defection of the British sovereign was an off-set for the conquest of Sluys. He was more urgent with the French Government for assistance than he had ever been before.

Now one such group of valleys there was, hill above hill, forest above forest, and beyond it a great noble range, unwooded and high against heaven, guarding it, which I for my part knew when first I knew anything of this world. In those valleys is the proper off-set for man. And so there was. It was a little place which had grown up as my county grows. The house throwing out arms and layers.

He wore flannel, red flannel too, which has virtues of its own. Leena was more anxious than ever that he should marry Vrow Schmidt's niece, and be taken good care of. But it was not to be: Peter Paul went back to his ship and into the wide world again. Uncle Jacob would have given him an off-set of his new tulip a real novelty, and named if he had had any place to plant it in.