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Updated: August 14, 2024

It was getting pretty late but I knew that he was a night-hawk and if he got interested he would stay up until midnight looking at goods. After a little bit out came Andrews, his buyer and my other traveling man friend. He asked me up with them to have cigars. He was wise. Only that morning we'd had to double up together in a sample room in the last town.

It was well past the middle of the night when we pulled up in a night-hawk taxicab before the Dodge house, mounted the steps and rang the bell. Jennings answered sleepily, but not so much so that he did not recognize me. He was about to bang the door shut when Kennedy interposed his foot. "Where is Mr. Dodge?" asked Kennedy. "Is he all right?" "Of course he is in bed," replied the butler.

Mel, on that occasion, was sleeping in her dressing-gown, to be ready to give the gallant night-hawk, her husband, the service he might require on his return to the nest.

At last he said: "To-night I shall tell you why the Nighthawk wears fine clothes. My grandfather told me about it when I was young. I am sure you have seen the Night-hawk sailing over you, dipping and making that strange noise. Of course there is a reason for it. "OLD-man was travelling one day in the springtime; but the weather was fine for that time of year.

High in the upper air the hollow booming of the night-hawk was heard at intervals, and the wild cry of the night-owl from a dead branch, shouting to its fellow, woke the silence of that lonely river scene. The old trapper stretched before the crackling fire, smoked his pipe or hummed some French voyageur's song.

Such, too, are the "gusanitos", the female of which a wingless insect, like a glow-worm lies along the leaf, while her mate whirrs gaily around, shedding his most captivating gleams as he woos her upon the wing. But, though light is the life of these beautiful creatures, it is often the cause of their death. It guides their enemies the night-hawk and the "whip-poor-will", the bat, and the owl.

It came down from the dark skies from a vast distance, widening to encompass the top of the Vandercook building. The Vandercook building might almost have been a mouse caught in the talons of some unbelievable night-hawk.

Night-hawk was Jerry called; but no more lustrous or cleaner hansom than his ever closed its doors upon point lace and November violets. And Jerry's horse! I am within bounds when I tell you that he was stuffed with oats until one of those old ladies who leave their dishes unwashed at home and go about having expressmen arrested, would have smiled yes, smiled to have seen him.

Many a curious glance was cast at them, a young girl, well gowned, and a disheveled white man in Chinese garb. Locke hailed a night-hawk cabman and they were soon speeding on their way back to safety and Brent Rock. At the cove fishing-village, set on the extreme outskirts of the town, there stood an old fisherman's shack that was shunned by all the good folk of the city.

The whirring sound of a diving night-hawk gave evidence that a thing of life was inspecting the scene from a higher point of vantage.

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