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"They'se SO clean and nicey no horrid ole fleas 'n them now. AREN't you glad? You can let Flibberty go on your bed now, and Kitsy Blackeye is " Poor Baby never finished her speech.

You don't want your father and mother to see you all dirty, do you?" "Of course not," said Budge. "Oh, Izh I goin' to be djessed up all nicey?" asked Toddie. "Goody! goody! goody!" I always thought my sister Helen had an undue amount of vanity, and here it was reappearing in the second generation. "An' I wantsh my shoes made all nigger," said Toddie. "What?"

"I wasn' complaining," said the woman; "I was just remarking. How's Maria?" "She's nicely, thank you." "And the children?" "Brave." "I've put up sixpennyworth of nicey in four packets that's one apiece and I've written the name on each, for you to take home to 'em." She fumbled in her reticule and produced the packets.

"Toddie," said I, "do you love your Uncle Harry?" "Esh, I DO love you." "Then tell me how that ridiculous song comforts you." "Makes me feel good, an' all nicey," replied Toddie. "Wouldn't you feel just as good if I sang, 'Plunged in a gulf of dark despair'?" "No, don't like dokdishpairs; if a dokdishpair done anyfing to me, I'd knock it right down dead."

Save. Was that just when he, she? O, he did. Into her. She did. Done. Ah! Mr Bloom with careful hand recomposed his wet shirt. O Lord, that little limping devil. Begins to feel cold and clammy. Aftereffect not pleasant. Still you have to get rid of it someway. They don't care. Complimented perhaps. Go home to nicey bread and milky and say night prayers with the kiddies. Well, aren't they?

"You'd better let me see that baby, Mrs. Skinner," said Redwood. Mrs. Skinner unmasked an eye at him as she led the way towards the barn. "Of course, Sir, there may 'ave been a little, in a little can of Nicey I give his father to bring over from the farm, or a little perhaps what I happened to bring about with me, so to speak. Me packing in a hurry and all ..."

"Why, what do you know about pollies, old man?" "Pollies bite, I know they do. There was a polly bited Francis once." "Well, and pussies scratch," said Milly. "No, they don't, not if you're nicey to them," said Olly; who was just then very much in love with a white kitten, and thought there were no creatures so delightful as pussies.

"Nasty rain," said Olly, climbing up on his mother's knee. "Go to Spain. I don't want you to come and spoil my nicey time." "I am afraid scolding the rain won't make it go away," said his mother, smiling into his brown face as he knelt on her lap, with his arms round her neck. "Now what are we going to do to-day?"

"Olly's spoilt my doll," sobbed Milly, "and it will go on raining and I feel so so dull." "I didn't spoil her doll, mother," cried Olly, eagerly. "I only rubbed some jam on its cheeks to make them a nicey pink only some of it would sticky her dress I didn't mean to." "How would you like some jam rubbed on your cheeks, sir?" said Mrs.

Making his day's stations, the dingy printingcase, his three taverns, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the gone. Loveless, landless, wifeless. She is quite nicey comfy without her outcast man, madame in rue Git-le-Coeur, canary and two buck lodgers. Peachy cheeks, a zebra skirt, frisky as a young thing's.