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Updated: August 7, 2024

No favours to anybody; no use of the news-columns for revenge or exploitation. The only questions a news-item need raise in your mind are: Is it true? Is it interesting? Is it printable in a newspaper that will publish anything which a healthy-minded grown-person wishes to read?" "Is that 'straight'?" asked Cumnock. "No favourites? No suppressions? No exploitations?"

If we decide that the property will do, and if we can secure it, you may have an exclusive news-item that would be very pretty, I should judge." And Ferris smiled at some secret joke. "I'll go with pleasure," said Bobby, "and not by any means just for the news. When do you want to go?" "Oh, right away, I guess. I'll telephone to Shepherd and have him order a rig."

The psychiatric treatment began with an innocent-seeming news-item from Lunar City saying that Dabney, the so-and-so scientist, had consented to act as consulting physicist to Spaceways, Inc., for the practical application of his recent discovery of a way to send messages faster than light. This was news simply because it came from the moon. It got fairly wide distribution, but no emphasis.

For several days following her bilge pumps sent overboard a continuous stream of water and oil seepage. On December 3d the following news-item appeared in the Providence Daily Bulletin, "The east shore of the lower harbour and upper bay, from Wilkesbarre pier to Riverside and below, is strewn with the bodies of dead Wild Ducks, which began to drift ashore yesterday.

"I shouldn't mind being a partner," suggested Jimmy helpfully. "Why don't you get work on a paper again? You used to do that well." "I don't think my old paper would welcome me now. They regard me rather as an entertaining news-item than a worker." "That's true. Say, why on earth did you make such a fool of yourself over on the other side? That breach-of-promise case with the barmaid!" said Mr.

"Can't he see that this will only be publicity for your brands. Why, darn his crinkled old hide, I'll show him. And I'll bet I'll have him eating out of your hand in less than a week." He glanced curiously at the paper. "Regular correspondence," he muttered, as he noticed the date-line of the news-item. "That means it comes from the little paper down there. What did you ever do to Tommy Black?"

"Well, he's a news-item." "Why?" "Well, here's a boy that's been a regular fellow raised in America done work on a newspaper suddenly taken off to England to become a London dude mixing with all the dukes, playing pinochle with the King naturally they're interested in him." A more agreeable expression came over Mrs. Crocker's face. "Of course, that is quite true.

He thrust both check and letter back into the long envelope and headed for the office of our local daily paper at a smart pace. The earning of five thousand dollars reward-money by Cora McBride made an epochal news-item, and in that night's paper we headlined it accordingly not omitting proper mention of the sheriff and giving him appropriate credit.

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