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Updated: August 25, 2024

"My nevy, Charles Holland, can't be allowed to cut away without nobody's leave or licence. No, no; I'll not stand that anyhow. 'Never desert a messmate in the time of need, is the first maxim of a seaman, and I ain't the one as 'll do so."

Templeton had been raised. "Yes; they do say as how the late lord left Miss Cameron all his money such a heap of it though she was not his child, over the head of his nevy, the present lord, on the understanding like that they were to be married when she came of age. But she would not take to him after she had seen the squire.

"I'll ask 'im to come round to-morrow and then you can give 'im good advice." The nevy came round next evening. Bright, cheerful young chap 'e was, and he agreed with everything they said.

He would 'ardly speak to them next day, but arter tea he brightened up a bit and they went off together as if nothing 'ad happened, and the fust thing they saw as they turned out of their street was Sam's nevy coming along smiling till it made their faces ache to look at him. "I was just coming to see you," he ses. "We're just off on business," ses Ginger.

I'd hardly done it, when one nevy brings an action to set the will aside.

Then he took Peter by the arm and led'im away while the nevy was opening 'is new watch and showing Sam the works. "'Ow much did she get out of you, Peter?" ses Ginger, looking at 'im very hard. "I don't want any lies." "Three quid," ses Peter, staring at 'im. "Same 'ere," ses Ginger, grinding his teeth. "Did she give you a smack on the side of your face?"

Although it was only Wednesday 'e changed his collar, and he was so long making up 'is mind about his necktie that 'is uncle tried to make it up for him. By the time he 'ad finished Sam said it made 'im think it was Sunday. Miss Gill was at 'ome when they got there, and all three of 'em was very much surprised that such a good-looking gal should take up with Sam's nevy.

"I wasn't going to stop," ses the nevy; "my young lady just told me to step along and show uncle wot she has bought me. A silver watch and chain and a gold ring. Look at it!" He held his 'and under Ginger's nose, and Ginger stood there looking at it and opening and shutting 'is mouth like a dying fish.

"I didn't know you'd got a young lady," he ses. "Well, I 'ave," ses his nevy, "and we're going to be married at Christmas." "But but you ain't fifty-five," ses Ginger. "I'm twenty-one," ses the nevy, "but my case is different. There isn't another young lady like mine in the world. She's different to all the others, and it ain't likely I'm going to let 'er be snapped up by somebody else.

She 'ad got a boy wot 'ad just got a job in London, and when 'e wrote and told 'er he was keeping company with the handsomest and loveliest and best 'arted gal in the whole wide world, she wrote to Sam about it and asked 'im to give 'is nevy some good advice.

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