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He has lived for a dozen years on board the Nautilus, and on board the Nautilus he desires to die." Without doubt Captain Nemo heard Cyrus Harding's reply, for he raised himself slightly, and in a voice more feeble, but always intelligible "You are right, sir," he said. "I shall die here it is my wish; and therefore I have a request to make of you."

"That flat coastline curving southward is the coast of Egypt." "Tell it to the marines, sir," answered the stubborn Canadian. "But if master says so," Conseil told him, "then so be it." "What's more, Ned," I said, "Captain Nemo himself did the honors in his tunnel, and I stood beside him in the pilothouse while he steered the Nautilus through that narrow passageway." "You hear, Ned?" Conseil said.

I would willingly have displayed here the proud axiom: 'Nemo laeditur nisi a se ipso', had I not feared to offend the immense number of persons who, whenever anything goes wrong with them, are wont to exclaim, "It is no fault of mine!"

On their last Thursday at Tarpaulin Uncle Tom Sprowl came in on the smack with Captain Higgins. He had boarded the Calista at York Island. Everybody, including Nemo and Oso, was glad to see Uncle Tom. His rheumatism was fully cured and he was spry and chipper.

Then all our past sufferings were forgotten. The remembrance of that imprisonment in the ice was effaced from our minds. We only thought of the future. Captain Nemo did not appear again either in the drawing-room or on the platform. The point shown each day on the planisphere, and, marked by the lieutenant, showed me the exact direction of the Nautilus.

The boast of the Boones was that they never forgot an injury. They might wait many years for the chance, but in the end they paid their debts. Twenty years after the war Sugden Boone shot down Colonel Yarnell as he was hitching his horse in front of the courthouse at Nemo.

It required many ages to find out the mechanical power of steam. Who knows if, in another hundred years, we may not see a second Nautilus? Progress is slow, M. Aronnax." "It is true," I answered; "your boat is at least a century before its time, perhaps an era. What a misfortune that the secret of such an invention should die with its inventor!" Captain Nemo did not reply.

"Then unless you fill up the whole Nautilus, I don't see how you can force it down into the heart of these liquid masses." "Professor," Captain Nemo replied, "static objects mustn't be confused with dynamic ones, or we'll be open to serious error.

Finally, on March 10, a smaller islet called Reka appeared next to Nea Kameni, and since then, these three islets have fused to form one single, selfsame island." "What about this channel we're in right now?" I asked. "Here it is," Captain Nemo replied, showing me a chart of the Greek Islands. "You observe that I've entered the new islets in their place." "But will this channel fill up one day?"

"Nemo repente turpissinus semper fait, No man is wholly bad all at once." "The father did as you would have advised, brother. He kept the youth; he remonstrated with him: he did more, he gave him the key of the bureau. 'Take what I have to give, said he; 'I would rather be a beggar than know my son a thief." "Right! And the youth repented, and became a good man?" exclaimed my father.