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But what was that?" Loud voices were audible outside the sick-room. Nemesianus stationed himself in front of the lady, sword in hand. This protection, however, proved unnecessary, for, instead of the praetorians, Johanna entered the room, supporting on her arm the half-sinking form of a young man in whom no one would have recognized the once beautifully curled and carefully dressed Alexander.

"I know of the order, noble lady," interrupted Nemesianus, "and should be the last to wish to act against it. I do not demand, I only appeal humbly to the heart of a woman and a mother. "A mother!" broke in Berenike, scornfully; "yes! and one whose soul your lord has pierced with daggers a woman whose home has been dishonored and made hateful to her.

It is Rome herself who calls you through me like her, a woman maltreated and wounded to the heart's core to bear arms in her service till she gives you the signal for making an end of the dastardly blood hound!" The brothers gazed at one another pale and speechless, till at last Nemesianus ventured to say "He deserves to die, we know, a thousand deaths, but we are neither judges nor executioners.

Shortly afterward the tuba sounded to assemble the plunderers still scattered about Seleukus's house, and Nemesianus saw the men marching in small companies into the great hall. They were followed by their armor-bearers, loaded with treasure of every kind; and three chariots, drawn by fine horses, belonging to Seleukus and his murdered wife, conveyed such booty as was too heavy for men to carry.

"I know of the order, noble lady," interrupted Nemesianus, "and should be the last to wish to act against it. I do not demand, I only appeal humbly to the heart of a woman and a mother. "A mother!" broke in Berenike, scornfully; "yes! and one whose soul your lord has pierced with daggers a woman whose home has been dishonored and made hateful to her.

Did he not come to you?" "No," answered Berenike. "But what is this fresh blood? Has the slaughter begun?" The wounded man nodded. Then he continued, with a groan: "In front of the house of your neighbor Milon the back of my head I fled a lance " His voice failed him, and Berenike cried to the tribune: "Support him, Nemesianus! Look after him and tend him.

They were not long compelled to remain in exile; a few months after their marriage news was brought to Carthage that Caesar had been murdered by the centurion Martialis, prompted by the tribunes Apollinaris and Nemesianus Aurelius. Immediately on this, Macrinus, the praetorian prefect, was proclaimed emperor by the troops.

You and Nemesianus have forfeited your lives; how ever, the beseeching look of those all-powerful eyes has saved you you are spared. Take your brother away, Nemesianus. You are not to leave your quarters until further orders." With this he turned his back on the twins, but on the threshold he again addressed them and said: "You were mistaken about this maiden.

"An unfortunate man," was Apollinaris's answer. "Seleukus, the master of this house?" asked Quintus Flavius, sternly. "No," replied Nemesianus. "It is only a poor, wounded painter. And yet the praetorians will go through fire and water for you, if you deliver up this man to them as their booty. But if you are what I hold you to be "

She tore her hand from that of the Christian, who, with hot tears, tried to hold her back; then, carrying her head proudly erect, she left them. The brothers gazed shudderingly after her. "And to know," cried Nemesianus, striking his forehead, "that our own comrades will slay her! Never were the swords of Rome so disgraced!" "He shall pay for it!" replied the wounded man, gnashing his teeth.