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She pressed their hands, and, turning to do the same to the artist, found that he had lost consciousness. Johanna and Nemesianus had removed his hat and caracalla, to attend to his wound. A strange smile passed over the matron's stern features.

At this the two brothers laughed heartily, and Nemesianus exclaimed, "You do not belong to the Temple of Vesta, most lovely of roses, and yet you are well protected by such sharp thorns that it requires a great deal of courage to venture to attack you." "More," added Apollonaris, "than to storm a fortress. But what camp or stronghold contains booty so well worth capturing?"

Did he not come to you?" "No," answered Berenike. "But what is this fresh blood? Has the slaughter begun?" The wounded man nodded. Then he continued, with a groan: "In front of the house of your neighbor Milon the back of my head I fled a lance " His voice failed him, and Berenike cried to the tribune: "Support him, Nemesianus! Look after him and tend him.

To-day Nemesianus was in the emperor's anteroom by command, and Apollonaris, of his own freewill, had taken the place of another tribune, that he might bear his brother company. They had caroused through half the night, and had begun the new day by a visit to the flower market, for love of the pretty saleswomen.

The flames had destroyed a picture a small painted fragment betrayed the fact. They perhaps possessed masterpieces of Apelles or Zeuxis. This woman's hatred would lead her to destroy them rather than let them fall into the hands of her imperial enemy; and who can blame her?" "It was her daughter's portrait," said Nemesianus, unguardedly. The legate turned upon him in surprise.

When Nemesianus began to bind up his wounded brother's head with a handkerchief handed to him by Melissa, and Caracalla saw the gaping wounds he had inflicted, he became quieter, and said: "I think those lips will not try to steal kisses again for some time from honorable maidens.

The flames had destroyed a picture a small painted fragment betrayed the fact. They perhaps possessed masterpieces of Apelles or Zeuxis. This woman's hatred would lead her to destroy them rather than let them fall into the hands of her imperial enemy; and who can blame her?" "It was her daughter's portrait," said Nemesianus, unguardedly. The legate turned upon him in surprise.

They, too, implored her to conceal herself, but she merely answered: "May your youth grow into happy old age! Life can offer me nothing more, since my child was taken from me But time presses I welcome the murderers, now that I know that revenge will not sleep." "And your husband?" interposed Nemesianus. She answered with a bitter smile: "He? He has the gift of being easily consoled.

To-day Nemesianus was in the emperor's anteroom by command, and Apollonaris, of his own freewill, had taken the place of another tribune, that he might bear his brother company. They had caroused through half the night, and had begun the new day by a visit to the flower market, for love of the pretty saleswomen.

You and Nemesianus have forfeited your lives; how ever, the beseeching look of those all-powerful eves has saved you you are spared. Take your brother away, Nemesianus. You are not to leave your quarters until further orders." With this he turned his back on the twins, but on the threshold he again addressed them and said: "You were mistaken about this maiden.