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Like all young people on their wedding-trip, we tried to fool the public into believing that we were not bride and groom; but I have no doubt that if we fooled anybody, that individual must have been very nearsighted and minus eye-glasses. My wife possibly maintained her dignity, but I fear I was too happy to be suppressed.

These exertions were very wearing and they were dangerous, also, for joints are easily dislocated, muscles twisted, and tendons strained. Hour after hour the march continued, unrelieved by any change, unbroken by any speck or spot of color. The nerves of their eyes, wearied by constant nearsighted peering at the snow, began to jump so that vision became untrustworthy.

"You here," said he, softly. "I didn't see you at first. I must be getting nearsighted. You saw the whole thing, did you, Lanpher?" "Yeah," replied Lanpher. "Who pulled first?" "The stranger." The answer came patly from at least five different men. Racey looked grimly upon those present. "Most everybody seems shore the stranger's to blame," he observed.

The first, of course, is that Nita Selim was quite deaf or very nearsighted. I happen to know from having met her today " "You met her today?" Strawn interrupted incredulously.

Together they advanced up the hill. Mother Moll, leaning on her cane, crept slowly down toward them. When her faded, nearsighted eyes caught sight of the two approaching figures, she halted in the middle of the road until they were almost upon her. She stared at Waldstricker fully fifteen seconds, while he looked steadily back at her.

Lawyers and businessmen were not so troubled about Wendell Phillips' inward beliefs as they were in the fact that he was a fool he had flung away his chances of getting on in the world. They ceased to send him business he had no work no callers folks he used to know were now strangely nearsighted.

Pulcifer would have used in describing it. It was not the face of a peddler, the ordinary kind of peddler, certainly and the mild brown eyes, eyes a trifle nearsighted, behind the round, gold-rimmed spectacles, were not those of a sharp trader seeking a victim. Also Raish saw that he had made a mistake in addressing this individual as "young feller."

With him, she was still in the stage of unsentimental frankness that pierced ruthlessly to what she conceived to be the realities; and because she was as unselfconscious as a tree, she was entirely indifferent to the fact that Johnny was a boy and she was a girl, Johnny, however, nearsighted and in enormous shell-rimmed spectacles, and still inarticulate, was quite aware of it; more definitely so every week, for he saw her on Saturdays and Sundays.

He'd tied up his mouth to keep him from squeelin'; and he see what he thought was the pig-pen, he was rather nearsighted, and so he ran and threw piggy over; and down he dropped into the water, and the minister put out his horse and pranced off into the house quite delighted. "'There, Huldy, I've got you a nice little pig. "'Dear me! says Huldy: 'where have you put him?

Collins was a little hatchet-faced man, with straight, lank hair, nearsighted eyes, a timid, order-loving disposition, and a great suitability for his profession. He was accurate, unemotional, and valuable. All his actions were as dry as the saw-dust in the burner. No one had ever seen him excited. But he was human; and now his knowledge of the Company's affairs showed him the dramatic contrast.