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But the same Commission is to exercise authority over Austria and Bulgaria, and possibly over Hungary and Turkey, when Peace is made with these countries. There are, therefore, analogous articles mutatis mudandis in the Austrian Treaty and in the Bulgarian Treaty. The principal Allies are each represented by one chief delegate.

Here was no billing and cooing, certainly, but a terse, biting phraseology, about which there could be no misconception. By the same messenger the Queen also sent a formal letter to the States-General; the epistle 'mutatis mutandis' being also addressed to the state-council.

It would be the same, mutatis mutandis, with two human beings who were exposed from their earliest days to widely different permanent influences. If wheat of a certain strain were sown on the same day in two adjoining fields, one of which was well farmed and the other badly farmed, the resulting crops would differ widely in yield and value.

Often in the course of years an expressed sentiment, the particular sense of a phrase heard casually, would recall him to my mind so that I have fastened on to him many words heard on other men's lips and belonging to other men's less perfect, less pathetic moods. The same observation will apply mutatis mutandis to Mr. Jones, who is built on a much slenderer connection. Mr.

Mutatis mutandis, there are none more degraded, morally and intellectually, than those whose minds are constantly bent upon marriage at any cost, and with anybody, however decrepit, however silly, and however evil, who can make a settlement.

It was the alternative, mutatis mutandis, presented to George III. and the elder Pitt in 1761, when the King was for delay and his Minister was for war at once. That instance had proved the father's foresight; and now at the close of 1804 the younger Pitt might flatter himself that open war was better than a treacherous peace.

The fine gentleman's claims of right are, 'mutatis mutandis', the same; and though, indeed, he is not always a wit 'de jure', yet, as he is the wit 'de facto' of that company, he is entitled to a share of your allegiance, and everybody expects at least as much as they are entitled to, if not something more.

No two people think absolutely alike on any subject, but when I converse with advanced Broad Churchmen I find myself in substantial harmony with them. I believe and should be very sorry if I did not believe that, mutatis mutandis, such men will find the advice given on pp. 277-281 and 287-291 of this book much what, under the supposed circumstances, they would themselves give.

If the community were plunged in grief for the loss of a respected female who bore the honourable name of Turkey Bustard, the proper name for turkey bustards, which was barrim barrim, went out, and tillit tilliitsh came in. And so mutatis mutandis with the names of Black Cockatoo, Grey Duck, Gigantic Crane, Kangaroo, Eagle, Dingo, and the rest.

They were perfectly true or sufficiently true mutatis mutandis and when put to the test stood the test. David indeed found it well during this first season in Town to hire a hack and ride a little in the Park it only added one way and another about fifty pounds to his outlay and impressed certain of the Benchers who were beginning to turn an eye on him.