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She saw that his eyes were full. "Well, darling?" she said. "You liked all that?" Lancelot had recovered himself. He let go her hand. His reply was majestic. "Not bad," he said. Lucy immediately hugged him. Now that was exactly what James would have said, mutatis mutandis. Yet she would not have hugged James for it, nor have loved him because of it. "These are our crosses, Mr. Wesley!"

We should organise a legitimate channel for instincts so profound as these, just as we have found it necessary to do with lust and revenge by the institutions of marriage and the law courts. This is the raison d'etre of the church. You kill a man just as much whether you murder him or hang him after the formalities of a trial. And so with lust and marriage, mutatis mutandis.

So, it seemed to me, would a Burman be puzzled if he came to us to find out our belief; and as the Burman's difficulty in England was, mutatis mutandis, mine in Burma, I set to work to think the matter out. How were the beliefs of a people to be known, and why should there be such difficulties in the way? If I could understand how it was with us, it might help me to know how it was with them.

In fact, mutatis mutandis, that the representatives of the monks of the thirteenth century were the Fellows of Colleges of the nineteenth before the recent alteration of University and College statutes came into force.

He proved, that in the years preceding both 1847 and 1857 there was a general rise of prices; and in the years succeeding these years, a great fall. The same might be shown of the years before and after 866, mutatis mutandis. 'Most persons are aware that the trade of the country is in a state of great activity.

For, assuming this to be the case, it follows, from a well-known organic law, that a recent excitation would leave a temporary disposition in these particular structures to resume that particular mode of activity. What has here been said about visual perception will apply, mutatis mutandis, to other kinds.

To have been to a Government House ball is no more, mutandis mutatis, than to go to a Court ball at home.

Paul, become all things to all men, to gain some; and, by the way, men are taken by the same means, 'mutatis mutandis', that women are gained by gentleness, insinuation, and submission: and these lines of Mr. Dryden will hold to a minister as well as to a mistress: "The prostrate lover, when he lowest lies, But stoops to conquer, and but kneels to rise."

The casual circumstances being thus eliminated, if only one remains, that one is the cause which we are in search of: if more than one, they either are, or contain among them, the cause; and so, mutatis mutandis, of the effect.

FIFTH FORMULA. Things which coincide are equal. The angles A B E and A C D are brought within this formula by the induction immediately preceding. This train of reasoning being also applicable, mutatis mutandis, to the angles E B C, D C B, these also are brought within the fifth formula. And, finally, SIXTH FORMULA. The differences of equals are equal.