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They would have a perfect right to exclude our laboring men if our laboring men threatened to come into their country in such numbers as to jeopardize the well-being of the Chinese population; and as, mutatis mutandis, these were the conditions with which Chinese immigration actually brought this people face to face, we had and have a perfect right, which the Chinese Government in no way contests, to act as we have acted in the matter of restricting coolie immigration.

Such an appointment must to that extent weaken rather than strengthen the Government of India. The same arguments which apply in India to the conjunction of the Governor-General with his Council apply, mutatis mutandis, with scarcely less force to the importance of the part assigned to the Council of India as advisers of the Secretary of State at the India Office.

Elizabeth was now suggesting that the baby prince James should be sent to her safe-keeping: there were similar hints mutatis mutandis from France. The Scots lords played off French and English against each other, and kept the child in their own hands.

But the Government reserved to itself the power of reopening a secular school in the ward, in case the private school turned out a failure. Such is a short sketch of an Ordinance which seems, to me at least, a rational and fair compromise, identical, mutatis mutandis, with that embodied in Mr.

Man is a microcosm, a world in miniature, and there is nothing above or below, the counterpart of which is not found in man. There is no sphere, or star, or animal, or plant, or mineral, or power, or nature, but something similar, mutatis mutandis, is found in man. The ten categories, which according to the philosophers embrace all existence, are also found, all of them, in man.

The third lecture, on "Palmerston and Lord John" had been not only crowded, but crowded out, and London was by now fully aware that it possessed in Arthur Meadows a person capable of painting a series of La Bruyère-like portraits of modern men, as vivid, biting, and "topical" mutatis mutandis as the great French series were in their day.

What I mean is, that the boy who drives a wagon for them to-day, at three dollars a week, may control one of their chief departments, or even become a partner, before they're done with him; and, mutatis mutandis, the same with the girls.

But that is a method for cowards; the brave man goes out into the hall, comes back with a stick, and says firmly, "You have just deliberately and cruelly exposed my ignorance before this company; I shall, therefore, beat you soundly with this stick in the presence of them all." This you then do to him or he to you, mutatis mutandis, ceteris paribus; and that is all I have to say on Ignorance.

All which is well said in the old couplet "Be not the first by whom the new is tried, Nor yet the last to throw the old aside." Mutatis mutandis, the above would seem to hold as truly about medicine as about politics.

The British orator's style of gesticulation may still be recognised, mutatis mutandis, in Addison's humorous sketch of a century ago: "You may see many a smart rhetorician turning his hat in his hands, moulding it into several different cocks, examining sometimes the lining and sometimes the button, during the whole course of his harangue.