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He poured coffee for the two of them. As usual, Murgatroyd swung down to the floor and said impatiently; "Chee! Chee! Chee!" Calhoun absently filled Murgatroyd's tiny cup and handed it to him. "But this is marvellous!" he said exuberantly. "The blue patches appeared after the plague, didn't they? After people recovered when they recovered?" Maril stared at him.

I don't know why. I've been out here wishing I could, because I'm frustrated. But since you aren't asleep maybe you can help me with my job. I've figured some things out. For some others I need facts. Will you give them to me?" She swallowed. "I'll try." "Coffee?" he asked. Murgatroyd popped his head out of his miniature sleeping cabin. "Chee?" he asked interestedly.

Med Ships carry only one man because two could not stand the close contact without quarreling with each other. But Med Ships do carry tormals, like Murgatroyd, and a tormal and a man can get along indefinitely, like a man and a dog. It is a highly unequal friendship, but it seems to be satisfactory to both.

The grid operator stood with clenched hands, contemplating the intolerable and the monstrous. Murgatroyd picked up the blaster. He trotted over to Calhoun. He plucked at the man's trouser-leg again. He held the blaster in the only way his tiny paw could manage it. A dark, sharp-nailed finger rested on the trigger. "Chee-chee!" said Murgatroyd. He offered the blaster.

Redgrave went down to the engine-room, and presently the Astronef changed her course, and in a few minutes was hanging with her polished hull bathed in sunlight, like a star suspended over the unfathomable gulf of darkness below. As they sank below the level of the sun-rays, Murgatroyd turned on both the searchlights.

If that doesn't happen, there's a period of suspiciousness and secretiveness strongly suggestive of paranoia. Then there's a craving for unusual food. When it becomes uncontrollable, the patient is mad!" The ground cars sped toward the city. A second group of vehicles appeared, waiting. As the four-car caravan swept up to them, one swung in front of the car in which Calhoun and Murgatroyd rode.

Murgatroyd remained in his cubbyhole, his tail curled over his nose. There were comforting, unheard, easily dismissable murmurings now and again. They kept the feeling of life alive in the ship. But for such infinitesimal stirrings of sound carefully recorded for this exact purpose the feel of the ship would have been that of a tomb.

These two boats would not hold much more than a quarter of their number, and the moment that this was discovered there arose a sanguinary fight for the possession of the two frail craft, those who were crowded out drawing their knives and attacking the other party. Then Murgatroyd suddenly appeared on the poop with a brace of revolvers in his hands, which he levelled at the fighting, surging mob.

"Then we may as well spoil their aim," he said, pressing one of the buttons on the signal-board three times, and then once more after a little interval. In obedience to the signal Murgatroyd turned on the repulsive force to half power, and the Astronef leapt up vertically a couple of thousand feet. Then Redgrave pressed the button once and she stopped.

But there was no one by the fire, and the butler said: "I will tell her ladyship that you are here, sir." "Thank you, Murgatroyd," said Sir Seymour. And he went to the fireplace, turned round, and began to warm his flat back. He stood there thus till his back was quite warm. Adela was rather slow in coming. But he did not mind that.