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Updated: August 20, 2024

There was the painted window, with its blazoned coats of arms and its proud mottoes "For Heart, Home, and Honour," and "Per ardua ad astra." He had won the heart and home, and he had kept his honour and his oath. He had endured the toils and dangers and the crown of stars was his. And yet, was Leonard altogether happy as he stood looking on these familiar things?

It comes from the Germans, who drank mead, or metheglin a beverage made of honey for thirty days after the wedding. The bride-cake is no longer cut and served at weddings; the present of cake in boxes has superseded that. At the wedding breakfast the ices are now packed in fancy boxes, which bear nuptial mottoes and orange-blossoms and violets on their surfaces.

I will look over the report of that part of it to which you refer, so far as to see that it is free from material errors, but I have not leisure so to revise it as to give it the form of a careful or regular composition. "I am, Gentlemen, with very true regard, your obedient servant, "To Messrs. The following mottoes were prefixed to this speech, in the original pamphlet edition. "Socrates.

Keats denounced the authors of that style which came in toward the close of the seventeenth century, and reigned absolute through the whole of the eighteenth, as "A schism, Nurtured by foppery and barbarism, ... who went about Holding a poor decrepit standard out, Marked with most flimsy mottoes, and in large The name of one Boileau!"

"Write a poetical letter," said Allen, beginning to extemporise in Hiawatha measure. "O thou mighty man of money, Barnes, of Belforest, Esquire, Innocent is Alfred Richards; Innocent his honest father; Innocent as unborn baby Of development of Midas, Of the smearing of the Cupid, Of the fracture of the goose-bill, Of the writing of the mottoes. All the Brownlows of St.

The walls of the temple of Imhotep had originally been completely covered with pictures of the gods, and hieroglyphic inscriptions; but the smoke of reeking hearths had long since blackened them, fanatical hands had never been wanting to deface them, and in many places they had been lime- washed and scrawled with Christian symbols or very unchristian mottoes, in Greek and the spoken dialect of the Egyptians.

The roof is literally thatched with flowers ingeniously arranged so as to form symbols and mottoes, which the superior beast is supposed to decipher with ease.

There are also holdalls and needle cases in embroidery and cross stitch. The favourite colours worked by English ladies in the eighteenth century were pink, orange, and light green. On these were often worked mottoes and rhyme. One will serve as a sample: "When Judah's daughters captive led Behold their mighty kings subdued."

Locke's account of wit, with this short explanation, comprehends most of the species of wit, as metaphors, similitudes, allegories, enigmas, mottoes, parables, fables, dreams, visions, dramatic writings, burlesque, and all the methods of allusion: as there are many other pieces of wit, how remote soever they may appear at first sight from the foregoing description, which upon examination will be found to agree with it.

Some like Vivie carried banners with pitiful devices "Where there's a Bill there's a Way," "Women's Will Beats Asquith's Skill," and so on.... She wished she had given more direct attention to these mottoes, but much of this procedure had been got up on impulse and little preparation made.

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