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I knows this caravan of yore for I'm a master-hand for shows in my yooth an' allers goes an' bein' by virchoo of my troubles ready to plunge into dissipation's mad an' swirlin' midst, I sa'nters down the moment the waggons shows up; an' after that, while that circus stays, folks who wants to see me, day or night, has to come to the show.

The truth is that the players do not play well unless a master-hand controls them; and a master-hand in the orchestra has been urgently wanted. I do not propose to discuss his conducting in detail.

I do not believe, however, that these pictures have been sacrilegiously interfered with; at all events, I saw in the masterpieces no touch but what seemed worthy of the master-hand. The most beautiful picture in the world, I am convinced, is Raphael's "Madonna della Seggiola."

Fenton had been an artist of some note, and so strongly was the skill of a master-hand visible here that suddenly the painter seemed to the sensitive young deacon alive and real. It was as if for the first time he realized that the beautiful woman before him might belong to another. By a quick, unreasonable jealousy of the dead he became conscious of how keenly dear to him had become the living.

The latter stream traverses dreary plains, where almost nothing but sagebrush grows; the Maumee waters a smiling valley, where orchards, fields, and meadows alternate with sugar- maple groves, and in its fair bosom reflects beautiful landscape views, that are changed and rebeautified by the master-hand of the sun every hour of the day, and doubly embellished at night by the moon.

And with the famous trio of the P.R.B. Millais, Rossetti, and Mr. Holman Hunt who is to state ex cathedra where influence was received, where transmitted; or whether the first may fairly be held to have been, during the short time of their complete union, the master-hand, the second the poet-soul, the third the conscience of the group?

Even now I scent it " He shifted suddenly in his chair. Then with a dash he and Williams were crowding through the open door with drawn revolvers. Through the night came the thunder of racing hoofs. Mahon knew that speed. Many a time he had ridden thus, the wind whistling past his ears and the horse's mane flicking his stinging face. He knew, too, that a master-hand directed the horse he heard.

A master-hand had waked its voice once more. Ronnie's head swam. A hot mist was before his eyes. His breath came in short sobs. He had completely forgotten the sardonic face of his wife's cousin, in the chair opposite. Then the hot mist cleared. He raised the bow once more, and drew it across G. G merged into D without a pause. Then, with a strong triumphant sweep, he sounded A.

But fate would not have it thus, and, under the guidance of that master-hand, the aeromotor flew higher and farther, quickly leaving behind all peril from javelins, darts, arrows, or stones from slings.

"Yours, comely mistress!" exclaimed Nicholas, opening his eyes, and unheeding the gay rebuke "why, this is a master-hand. My Lord Scales nay, the Earl of Worcester himself hath scarce a finer in all his amassment." "Well, I forgive thy fault for thy flattery; and I pray thee, in my father's name, to stay and sup with thy friend."