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Updated: August 28, 2024

"Thet war ther same night them highwaymen sought ter lay-way Alexander thar war right smart shootin' goin' on hyar an' thar." "Did ye ever gain any knowledge of who them fellers war?" Mallows sought to couch his question in the manner of interest for the wrongs of another, but just a shade too much eagerness on his own part marred the effect. Jerry smiled.

Having fallen a victim to these in the augural banquet at the house of Lentulus, I was seized with a violent diarrhœa, which, I think, has been checked to-day for the first time. And so I, who abstain from oysters and lampreys without any difficulty, have been beguiled by beet and mallows. Henceforth, therefore, I shall be more cautious.

"Hit's hell ter pay, when a law-abidin' man kain't travel ther highway withouten he's shot down like I was thet night," lamented Mallows virtuously. "I misdoubts ef I ever feels plum right inside me ergin. I wisht I knowed who thet feller war." "Mebby he mistook ye fer somebody else," suggested Jerry.

"I should put them down at a thousand or twelve hundred, sir." "I did not see any get out again. What the devil were the Wessex thinking about? The Guards stood well, though; so did the Mallows." "Colonel Flanagan reports that his front flank company was cut off, sir." "Why, that's the company that was out of hand when we advanced!"

It might even have been scoffed into limbo had not Jase Mallows leaned forward, twirling his mustache, and made himself heard. "Ye're damn right hit won't do ter kill her. I aims ter wed that gal some day, an' afore I'd see her lay-wayed an' kilt, I'd tell this hull story ter ther town marshall." An ominous growl went up at that but Jase continued staunchly.

Mallows was foreman to a builder in the town; Chidforth was clerk to the same employer. Both were young men. They were evidently regarded as smart fellows. Up to the time of the revelations they had borne the very best of characters.

"Colonel Flanagan reports, sir, that the company took the whole brunt of the attack, and gave the square time to re-form." "Tell the Hussars to ride forward, Stephen," said the general, "and try if they can see anything of them. There's no firing, and I fear that the Mallows will want to do some recruiting. Let the square take ground by the right, and then advance!"

In the open court the sunshine triumphed, and only the purple-grey marsh mallows along the side of the house under the windows gave any sign of life. In them the bees had begun to hum at earliest dawn, an hour and a half before the sun looked over the crest of Ben Gairn. They were humming busily still. In all the chambers of the house there was the same reposeful stillness.

The giant of the Amazonian woods, whose majestic flat crown towers over all other trees, while its white trunk stands out in striking relief through the surrounding mass of green the sumaumera is allied to the mallows of the North. Some of the most characteristic trees of the river-shore belong to these two families.

The officers and men at the other faces were glancing nervously to the rear, uncertain what was going on, and unable to take help to their comrades without breaking the formation. "By Jove, they've got through the Wessex!" cried Grice of the Mallows. "The divils have hurrooshed us, Ted," said his brother subaltern, cocking his revolver.

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