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"Captain Transom," I continued, with great vehemence, "for the love of God tell me what is there below that cloak." He looked surprised beyond all measure. "Why, Mr Cringle, I cannot for the soul of me comprehend you; indeed I cannot; but, Mafame, indulge him. See if there be any thing below my cloak."

"I will, sir," said Mafame, half ashamed at being detected in his office of inspector general of my actions; but the Doctor, to whom he had been sent, having now got a leisure moment from his labour in the shambles, came up and made enquiries as to how I felt. "Why, Doctor, I thought I was in for a fever half an hour ago, but it is quite gone off, or nearly so there, feel my pulse."

She was now within a cable's length of the corvette; the captain was standing on the second foremost, gun, on the larboard side. "Mafame," to his steward, "hand me up my trumpet." He hailed the little vessel "Ho, the Wave, ahoy!" Presently the responding "hillo" came down the wind to us from the officer in command of her, like an echo "Run under our stern and heave to, to leeward." "Ay, ay, sir."

It was regular, and there was no particular heat of skin. "Why, I don't think there is much the matter with you. Mafame, tell the Captain so; but turn in and take some rest as soon as you can, and I will see you in the morning and here," feeling in his waistcoat pocket, "here are a couple of capers for you; take them now, will you?" "Very well, that will do good night.

I could hear him say to his servant, as I was going up the ladder, "Look after that young gentleman, Mafame, and send Isaac to the doctor, and bid him come here now;" and then, in a commiserating tone "Poor young fellow, what a pity!" When I got on deck all was quiet.

Here, Mafame, get the carpenter's mate to secure that cleat on the weather side there, and sling my spare cot for Mr Cringle. You will be cooler here than in the gunroom." I heard his words without comprehending their meaning.

Mafame," to his steward, "send him a glass of hot brandy grog." "A northwester," whispered Tim aside to the functionary; "half and half, tallow chops eh!"

"I told you so, Mafame," said the man; "what are you skylarking about the mizen chains for, man? Come in, will you, come in." The Captain's caution to his servant flashed on me. "Come in, my man, and give my respects to the Captain, and tell him that I am quite well now; the fresh air has perfectly restored me."

"Captain Transom desires me to say, that he will be glad of your company in the cabin, Mr Cringle." "My compliments I will wait on him so soon as I have had a snack. We have had no dinner in the gunroom to day yet, you know, Mafame." "Why, it was in the knowledge of that the Captain sent me, sir. He has not had any dinner either; but it is now on the table, and he waits for you."

I was entranced, and stood with folded arms, looking forth into the night, and musing intensely on the appalling scene which had just vanished like a feverish dream "Dinner waits, sir," quoth Mafame. "Oh!