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Updated: August 4, 2024

"And perhaps one or two soldiers were insolent; but neither Letty Lynden nor I have ever heard one unseemly word from the hundreds and hundreds of soldiers we have attended, never have had the slightest hint of disrespect from them." "They certainly do behave ve'y well," conceded Celia, brushing away vigorously. "They behave like our Virginians."

She accounted for every date specified by saying that Miss Lynden was with her at those times, that she had known her intimately for years, known her family that it was purely a case of mistaken identity, which, if ever pressed, would bewilder her friend, who was neither sufficiently experienced to understand what such charges meant, nor strong enough to endure the horror and shock if their nature were explained.

I penetrated your motive in telling it, let it go at that, and kept both eyes open and waited." Berkley never moved. The painful colour stained the scar on his brow to an ugly purple. "The consequences of which falsehood," continued the doctor, "culminated in my asking Miss Lynden to marry me. . . . I've been thinking wondering whether that lie was justifiable. And I've given up the problem.

You may be sure Hans did not refuse to take them to his home in his new cart. After spending some time there Mrs Scholtz took a fancy that she would like to go with Hans on one of his frequent excursions to Glen Lynden, but she would not leave Junkie behind. Hans objected to Junkie at first, but finally gave in, and thus the little hero found his way to the River of Baboons.

"Berkley," he said pleasantly; then, to identify himself, lifted the lantern to a level with his face. "Dr. Benton!" "Surely surely. I come from Paigecourt. I left Mrs. Craig and Stephen about five o'clock; I have just left Miss Lynden on duty. May I sit here beside you, Phil? And, in the first place, how are you, old fellow?"

In pursuance of his calling, that ill-used and misguided son of the soil arose about daybreak with much of his native soil sticking to his person, and, with a few other desperadoes like himself, made a descent on Glen Lynden not, by any means, the first that his fraternity had made.

In these circumstances the king decided to ask an anti-revolutionary, Count van Lynden van Sandenburg, to form a "Ministry of Affairs," composed of moderate men of various parties. Van Lynden had a difficult task, but with the strong support of the king his policy of conciliation carried him safely through four disquieting and anxious years.

In front of one of the outhouses a tall, bald-headed, jolly-faced civilian stood in his checked shirt sleeves, washing bloody hands in a tin basin. To Ailsa's question he answered: "I'm Dr. Hammond of the Sanitary Commission. Dr. West is in the wards. Very glad you came, Mrs. Paige; very glad, indeed, Miss Lynden.

One fine morning early, high up among the krantzes and dark jungles of a kloot or mountain gorge, which branched off from Glen Lynden, a noble specimen of an African savage awoke from his night's repose and stretched himself. He had spent the night among the lower branches of a mimosa-bush, the opening into which was so small that it was a wonder how his large body could have squeezed through it.

And he saw the gray garb of Sainte Ursula that she wore, saw the scarlet heart on her breast, and laughed again a kindly, generous, warm-hearted laugh; but there was a little harmless malice glimmering in his eyes. "Wonderful wonderful, Miss Lynden" he had never before called her Miss Lynden "I am humbly overcome in the presence of Holy Sainte Ursula embodied in you.

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