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Lowery, of the Twenty-seventh Precinct, made a descent upon the dance-house in the basement of 96 Greenwich Street, and arrested fifty-two men and eight women. The entire batch was brought before Justice Flammer, at the Tombs Police Court, this morning. Louise Maud, the proprietoress, was held in five hundred dollars bail to answer at the Court of General Sessions.

He was a rough, blunt-spoken man, but was evidently "good at his trade," as Ben had said, and did not despair of making the Culm huts decent and habitable; and after a long talk with him, Noll started for home, as the afternoon was fast giving way to a gray and lowery night.

G. P. Lowery and C. W. Babcock, after running the gauntlet of the patrols, robbers and guerillas that infested the road to Shawnee Mission, succeeded in putting in the hands of the Governor the following letter: To His EXCELLENCY, WILSON SHANNON, GOVERNOR KANSAS TERRITORY: Sir: As citizens of Kansas Territory, we desire to call your attention to the fact that a large force of armed men from a foreign State have assembled in the vicinity of Lawrence, are now committing depredations upon our citizens, stopping them, opening and appropriating their loadings, arresting, detaining and threatening travelers upon the public road, and that they claim to do this by your authority.

His very cheerfulness denied the cold, and when Ruth timidly said something about it, Neale said gruffly that "mittens were for babies!" It was a lowery evening as the trio of young folk set forth. The clouds had threatened snow all day, and occasionally a flake spying out the land ahead of its vast army of brothers drifted through the air and kissed one's cheek.

It was a story, I guess, but I don't care. And I came to New York on the train, and I met Mr. Mr. Flip on the street and asked him if he knew where I could find G G " "Now, Miss Lowery," broke in Tripp, loudly, and with much bad taste, I thought, as she hesitated with her word, "you like this young man, Hiram Dodd, don't you? He's all right, and good to you, ain't he?"

I bought one, and a red, red rose with the twenty cents for Miss Lowery. We saw her aboard her ferryboat, and stood watching her wave her handkerchief at us until it was the tiniest white patch imaginable. And then Tripp and I faced each other, brought back to earth, left dry and desolate in the shade of the sombre verities of life. The spell wrought by beauty and romance was dwindling.

It's the first time I've ever been in New York except once when I was five years old, and I had no idea it was such a big town. And I met Mr. Mr. Snip on the street and asked him about a friend of mine, and he brought me here and asked me to wait." "I advise you, Miss Lowery," said Tripp, "to tell Mr. Chalmers all. "Why, certainly," said Miss Ada, chewing a gum-drop toward me.

"Of course I like him," said Miss Lowery emphatically. "Hi's all right. And of course he's good to me. So is everybody." I could have sworn it myself. Throughout Miss Ada Lowery's life all men would be to good to her. They would strive, contrive, struggle, and compete to hold umbrellas over her hat, check her trunk, pick up her handkerchief, and buy for her soda at the fountain.

Original. "Do with thy might whatsoever thy hand findeth to do." I rose one morning, before six, to write letters, and hastened to put them into the post-office before breakfast. It was a dark, lowery morning, not very inviting abroad, for an April shower was then falling. I had the privilege of depositing my letters in a box kept by Mr. D., a thriving merchant, not very remote from my dwelling.

Not who was the best general, or colonel, or captain but "who ranked?" I desire to state that they left the army on account of rank. O, this thing of rank! Many other generals resigned, and left us privates in the lurch. But the gallant Cheatham, Cleburne, Granberry, Gist, Strahl, Adams, John C. Brown, William B. Bate, Stewart, Lowery, and others, stuck to us to the last.