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Presently she was unable to resist the temptation of remarking that the editorship of a magazine must be one of the most interesting of all occupations; but he looked at her with his quizzical smile, and answered: "Between you and me, Mrs. Littleton, I will confide to you that a considerable portion of the time it is a confounded bore.

"It's him, my lord," he said, "as we run through Littleton gorse Monday after Christmas last, and up to Impington Park where he got away from us in a hollow tree. He's four year old," added Tony, looking at the animal's mouth, "and there warn't a finer dog fox in the county." "Do they know all the foxes?" asked the Senator.

The story of their discovery and rescue, as told by Commander W. S. Schley and Professor J. R. Soley, in their "Rescue of Greely," is tragically dramatic, and we make it the subject of our present selection. The relief vessels, the "Thetis" and the "Bear," examining the coast in the vicinity of Cape York, found that there was no trace of the sufferers at Littleton Island.

The circular dovecote belonging to monastic times is carefully preserved. Bretforton, with its church built by the monks of Evesham, lies on the road between Badsey and Honeybourne. The villages of Middle and South Littleton have been little affected by modern enterprise. They may be reached by way of Offenham or Bengeworth, or from the village station.

"I do not know when that will be," replied Mad. de Coulanges, in a sick voice: "I was never so ill in my life and so the physician says. But I am revived by seeing Lady Littleton she is, and ever has been, all goodness and politeness to us. I am ashamed that she should see us in such a miserable place. Emilie, give me my other night-riband, and the wretched little looking-glass."

I don't know whether the student of law permits himself the refreshment of enthusiasm, or indulges in poetical reminiscences as he passes by historical chambers, and says, "Yonder Eldon lived upon this site Coke mused upon Littleton here Chitty toiled here Barnewall and Alderson joined in their famous labours here Byles composed his great work upon bills, and Smith compiled his immortal leading cases here Gustavus still toils, with Solomon to aid him:" but the man of letters can't but love the place which has been inhabited by so many of his brethren, or peopled by their creations as real to us at this day as the authors whose children they were and Sir Roger de Coverley walking in the Temple Garden, and discoursing with Mr.

Mad. de Coulanges sat up and arranged her head-dress. At this moment, Lady Littleton took Emilie aside, and put into her hand a letter from France! "I would not speak of it suddenly to your mother, my dear," said she; "but you will find the proper time. I hope it contains good news at present I will have patience.

Wharton soon brought down a royal message authorising the Commons to elect another Speaker. The Whig chiefs wished to place Littleton in the chair; but they were unable to accomplish their object. Foley was chosen, presented and approved. Though he had of late generally voted with the Tories, he still called himself a Whig, and was not unacceptable to many of the Whigs.

Taylor had seen more of her, I feel sure she would have admired her, and then our Institute would not have been dragged into politics." Mrs. Taylor did not attempt to answer this appeal. Instead she greeted Selma civilly, and said, "I was sorry to hear that you were against us, Mrs. Littleton. We were allies once in a good cause, and in spite of Mr.

"I hope you do not think a good temper is incompatible with a heart or a soul." "I will tell you what I think, and what I am sure of," cried Mrs. Somers, raising her voice; "that Mlle. de Coulanges will be a constant cause of dispute and uneasiness between you and me, Lady Littleton I foresee the end of this.