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Finally a messenger broke through and brought sure tidings. Luffe had marched quickly, had come within thirty miles of Kohara before he was stopped. In a strong fort at a bend of the river the young Khan with his wife and a few adherents had taken refuge. Luffe joined the Khan, sought to push through to Kohara and rescue Linforth, but was driven back.

He turned away and walked back to the house with his hands folded behind his back and his head bent forward. "You are despondent now?" Linforth asked. "Yes," replied Ralston, with a rare and sudden outburst of confession. "You, perhaps, will hardly understand. You are young. You have a career to make. You have particular ambitions. This trouble in Chiltistan is your opportunity.

That small carefully trimmed black beard might give the look of age, the long robe add to his height. Yes, it was Shere Ali. Linforth walked along the balcony, and as he approached, Shere Ali turned quickly towards him. The blood rushed into his dark face; he stood staring at Linforth like a man transfixed. Linforth held out his hand with a smile. "I hardly knew you again," he said.

"As for this story of Sahib Linforth, I do not believe a word of it." The Diwan nodded his head. "It was believed that you would reply in this way. "Therefore here are proofs." He drew from his dress a silver watch upon a leather watch-guard, a letter-case, and to these he added a letter in Linforth's own hand. He handed them to Luffe.

A great ruler yesterday, with a council and an organized Government, subordinated to his leadership, he now merely lived at Camberley, and as he had confessed, was a bore at his club. And life at Camberley was dull. He looked closely at Mrs. Linforth. She was a woman of forty, or perhaps a year or two more. On the other hand, she might be a year or two less.

But there may come work for you difficult work, dangerous work, prolonged work. For this outrage can't go unpunished. In any case," he ended with a smile, "the Road goes on." He turned again to his office-table, and Linforth went out of the room. The task which Ralston had in view for Linforth came by a long step nearer that night.

At any rate, I shall have heaps to tell you when I come back." Linforth Vicarage was a long, rambling stone house, the flagged roof and mullioned windows of which proclaimed it as belonging, equally with the Manor, to a period of the past.

At the opera it is the singer you listen to, and not the words of the song. So in this rose garden Violet Oliver listened to Dick Linforth rather than to what he said. There was audible in his voice from sentence to sentence, ringing through them, inspiring them, the reverence a young man's heart holds for the woman whom he loves. "You ought to marry, not me, but someone better," she cried.

"Have you any suspicion as to who the man is?" he asked. There was a momentary silence in that quiet hall. Both men stood looking at each other. "It can't be," said Linforth, at length. But he spoke rather to himself than to Ralston. "It can't be." Ralston did not press the question. "It's the insolence of the attempt which angers me," he said. "We must wait until Mrs.

Linforth leaned over the side, looking out upon the short curve of lights and the black mass of hill rising dimly above them. Three and a half more days and he would be standing on Indian soil. A bright light flashed towards the ship across the water and a launch came alongside, bearing the agent of the company. He had the latest telegrams in his hand. "Any trouble on the Frontier?"