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Updated: July 31, 2024

It held her in its strong protectin' grasp so tight that the only way she could slip out of it wuz to drop into the grave, which she did in a few months. Then it leggo.

Where will I have officers if ye get hurt down there? Let 'em stop for now." "Leggo my arm!" shrieked Harris. "Cap'n, if ye don't leggo my arm I can't say what I'll do. I never let no man talk to me like that!" "But, Mr. Harris! Ye know what it means! Ye know I can't work the ship! Ye know what's below and what they want! Mr. Harris! Mr. Harris!"

Tregarthen, though he must have heard the noise they made, did not respond, but continued pulling calmly towards Saaron. "Leggo could not say precisely, but admits that the boat was already nearing Saaron, and that the man, if he heard, possibly did not understand that is, if one can suppose him innocent."

Sir Cæsar as his habit is carried a gun under his arm; but whether or not the gun was loaded Leggo is unable to say. Its existence is known to very few and Leggo was surprised to hear him mention it; but it now appears that he had learnt of it this very afternoon, in casual talk with old Abe.

That very afternoon Chad met Dan in a football game an old-fashioned game, in which there were twenty or thirty howling lads on each side and nobody touched the ball except with his foot met him so violently that, clasped in each other's arms, they tumbled to the ground. "Leggo!" said Dan. "S'pose you leggo!" said Chad.

"And I don't want you to blame William, either; he held onto the dogs of war with both hands a tryin' to hold 'em in." "William?" sez she inquirin'ly. "Yes, William McKinley, our President. He jest held onto them dogs till they wuz likely to tear him to pieces, then he had to leggo.

You have heard tell, of course, of Captain John Carter, the famous smuggler of Prussia Cove, and his brothers Harry, Francis, and Charles, and Captain Will Richards, "Tummels," Carpenter Hosking, Uncle Billy, and the rest of the Cove boys; likewise of old Nan Leggo and Bessie Bussow that kept the Kiddlywink there?

Thass whut we brought him oveh faw: to staht him in them Thawntum Stakes. I reckon he'll have to do the bes' he know how." "Are you going to bet on him?" "Says which?" Shanghai showed a double row of glistening ivories. "No, indeedy! Hawss got to show me befo' I leggo my small change! This Faro, he can't seem to win no mile races, so the boss he thinks he might do betteh in a long one.

Our two hands that had joined at the alter, and had clung so clost together ever sence, had got to leggo of each other down there in front of the dark gateway. Solemn gateway! So big that the hull world must pass through it and yet so small that the hull world has got to go through it alone, one at a time.

Then we straightened Pa up, and pointed him towards the middle of the room, and he said, "leggo," and we just give him a little push to start him, and he began to go. "Well, by gosh, you'd a dide to have seen Pa try to stop.

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