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Let Moonlight creep into the camp, and tell Bounding Bull that his enemy is subdued; that the daughter of Leetil Tim has conquered him; that he wishes for friendship, and is ready to visit his wigwam, and smoke the pipe of peace. But tell not that Rushing River is so near.

He is right when he says that Leetil Tim and I have come to your rescue, but he is wrong when he says we come alone. It is true that there are no men at our backs to help us, but is not Manitou behind us in front around? It was Manitou who sent us here, and it was He who gave us the victory."

"True, me frund," returned the stranger, "it is ver' leetil ve gits; but den dat leetil is ver' goot valooable you calls it." "Humph!" ejaculated Bevan, with an air that betokened doubt. Flinders and Fred said nothing, but the latter felt more than ever inclined to believe that their guest was a deceiver, and resolved to watch him narrowly.

"I had intended," said Brighteyes, "to enter the Blackfoot camp as if I were one of the captives, and thus make known our plans; but that is not now necessary. Lightheart will carry the news; she is wise, and knows how to act. Whitewing and Leetil Tim are hid on yonder hillock like snakes in the grass.

It looked like a mere accident my finding the track which leads to it near the spot where I fell, but it is the Lord's doing. Tell me, Softswan, have you never heard Whitewing and Little Tim speak of the pale-face missionary the Preacher, they used to call me?" "Yes, yes, oftin," answered the girl eagerly. "Me tinks it bees you. Me very glad, an' Leetil Tim he "

Thus on the shore. In the boat: "Now den, massa, you sees her an' ha! ha! dar's Betsy. I'd know her 'mong a t'ousind. You sees de bonnit tumblin' about like a jollyboat in a high sea; an' Ziffa too wid de leetil bonnit, all de same shape, kin you no' see her?"

"Leetil Tim," said Whitewing decisively, when he was told of his old friend's unaccountable absence, "must be found." "So say I," returned Big Tim. "I hope the Blackfoot reptiles haven't got him. Mayhap he has cut himself with his hatchet. Anyhow, we must go at once.

Me speaks English, for my husban' likes it." "Your husband what is his name!" "Big Tim." "What!" exclaimed the wounded man with sudden energy, as a flush overspread his pale face; "is he the son of Little Tim, the brother-in-law of Whitewing the prairie chief?" "He is the son of Leetil Tim, an' this be hims house."

My wise chief Whitewing, and his friend Leetil Tim whose heart is big, and whose voice is bigger, and whose scalping-knife is biggest of all have come to our rescue alone. Whitewing tells me there is no one at their backs.

The fact is, I don't quite understand daddy. He puzzles me." "Perhaps Leetil Tim is too much given to fun when he talks with Big Tim," suggested the red chief gravely, but with a slight twinkle in his eyes, which told that he was not quite destitute of Little Tim's weakness or strength, as the reader chooses.