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My grandson Kervan starts the ball rolling as he shakes his head: "The traveler who has lost his way and who should happen to pass to-night by the cavern of Pen-March will hear the hammers clang " "Yes, the hammers that beat in time while the devilish hammerers themselves sing their song, the burden of which ever is: 'One, two, three, four, five, six, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "

I thought of my father Jocelyn, of my mother Madalen both no doubt dead in the country that I ran away from more than forty years ago, and where my brother Kervan and my dear sweet sister Roselyk still live. At these thoughts tears came to my eyes despite myself. Oh, my sons! Ronan! Loysik! here I am near to you, but shall I manage your delivery! Hesus! Hesus! inspire me."

I followed in the wake of the royal troops, which consisted of leudes and soldiers, the latter of whom were furnished to the King by the beneficiary seigneurs, and also of impressed colonists. When the King's army put itself in march, I followed. Alas, Kervan! The enemy's forces themselves could not have been more merciless towards the people than were the royal troops.

Old Araim died long ago, never ceasing to sorrow over the loss of Karadeucq, his pet. Jocelyn and Madalen, Karadeucq's father and mother also are dead. His elder brother Kervan and his sweet sister Roselyk still live and inhabit the same homestead situated near the sacred stones of Karnak. Kervan is over sixty years of age; he married late; his son, now fifteen years of age, is called Yvon.

Although this is a quiet neighborhood, hand me my 'pen-bas, and take yours along, my boy." "My husband, my son, I conjure you, do not go out " "Dear wife, suppose some stranger is outside in such weather as this! Come Kervan!" "Alas! I tell you the cries that I heard are not human. Kervan! Jocelyn! They will not listen they are gone Alas! Alas!"

The latter, it is said, surpass their father in ferocity. Their names are Thierry, Childebert and Clotaire; the fourth, Chlodomir, is said to have died this year. How many years of life are left to me and what events are in store for me? I know not. But I wish this day to bequeath to you, my eldest child, Kervan, the chronicles of our family.

"And I suppose that once so brave region has undergone the fate of the others?" "There, as elsewhere, Kervan, the bishops undermined the mental virility of the people, besotted them, and rendered them submissive prey to the conquerors." "But here in our Armorican Gaul, both the Christian and the non-Christian druids preach to us the love of country and hatred for the oppressor."

It seems to me I hear a voice calling " "Alas! mother, some misfortune threatens our house you said it " "Roselyk, my child, do not add fuel to your mother's fright. What is there astonishing in a traveler calling from without to have the door opened to him " "His cries are not human I am frozen with fear " "You come with me, Kervan, seeing that your mother wishes to keep Karadeucq near her.

Say, young man, are you the son of Karadeucq?" The answer of Ronan the Vagre was to throw himself on the neck of his father's brother, after which he embraced no less effusively Martha, Roselyk and Yvon. After the tears were dried and the first emotion appeased, the first words that simultaneously parted from the lips of Kervan and Roselyk were: "And our brother, our beloved Karadeucq?