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The blonde Roselyk, sister of Kervan, is nearly as old as her brother; her hair has turned white; she has remained single and lives with her brother and his wife Martha. It is night; out of doors the wind blows and the snow falls.

On the other hand, would our descendants feel more elated if I were to tell them: "That in which my pride lies is the knowledge that there is no better field-laborer than my son Jocelyn, no better housekeeper than his wife Madalen, no sweeter creature than my granddaughter Roselyk, no handsomer and more daring lads than my two grandsons, Kervan and Karadeucq especially the latter, the youngest of the set, my own pet! a very demon for deviltry, bravery and attractiveness.

He ordered me to bring it to you, in order that it be joined to our family relics." "My brother's death was brave, like his life. A curse upon that Chram, son of Clotaire! Had he not raided Burgundy, my brother Karadeucq might still be alive!" "Like you, Kervan, I say a curse upon Chram! But, at any rate, he met on the frontiers of our Brittany the merited punishment for his criminal life."

It will be an easy thing for us to fortify ourselves in our possession and maintain our rights." Kervan followed closely the Vagre's narrative and asked him with deep interest whether his companions took the advice of Loysik. "Yes, dear uncle, almost all the Vagres accepted Loysik's offer; few only preferred to continue their life of adventure.

Did we not triumphantly repel all the attacks of the Franks until now?" "And already three times have you been called to take up arms, Kervan, and were forced to leave me, together with your sister Roselyk and our son Yvon, in mortal fear," exclaimed Martha, Kervan's wife. "Come, come, you poor timid Gallic woman.

I must, therefore, request you to read this very evening the narrative that I have delivered to you. I shall relate to you to-morrow what remains to be said and that I have not had the time to write down. I, on my part, have a strong wish to read our family chronicles, the principal incidents of which my father often narrated to me." "Come," said Kervan taking up a lamp. Ronan followed him.

"As I was saying, Kervan, from my place of concealment I had the sea, the hut and its surroundings in plain view. Despite the distance that separated me from the horrible scene that I am about to describe to you, I could distinctly hear the voices of the Franks, who were drawing nearer and nearer.

But I could never remain quiet in a corner of Britanny, the only free section of Gaul, without avenging, if but upon one of the sons of Clovis, the slavery of our beloved country. Good father, good mother, you have left beside you my elder brother, Kervan, and my sister Roselyk. Be not angry with me.

"Oh, Kervan," Ronan the Vagre proceeded after a short respite, "it almost looks as if these Frankish Kings and all their family are predestined to become the subjects of horror to the whole world. I shall now narrate to you the manner of Chram's death.

"Those were my very thoughts, Kervan, when the young woman, noticing our traveling bags on our shoulders, asked us with marked anxiety whether we came from Nantes, and whether we had any news of a battle that must have been fought there." "'We can give you no information upon that, madam, we answered her, 'we did not even know that there were any armies drawn up for battle.