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Keller replaced the money in the safe, and hastened back to his own office. Mrs. Wagner raised one side of the ledger off the desk to close the book stopped to think and laid it back again. The extraordinary accuracy of Mr. Keller's memory was proverbial in the office. Remembering the compliment which he had paid to her sense of responsibility as Mr. Engelman's successor, Mrs.

Persuasion he had already tried in vain. Delegated authority to control Jack had not been conferred on him. There seemed to be no other course than to yield. "If you persist in your obstinacy," he said to Jack, "I must return alone to Mr. Keller's house, and tell him that I have left you here with your friend." Jack was already absorbed in his own thoughts. He only repeated vacantly, "Good-night."

A bulky literature, dealing with this formerly much neglected subject, is now growing in Germany. Keller's works, Ein Apostel der Wiedertaufer and Geschichte der Wiedertaufer, Cornelius's Geschichte des munsterischen Aufruhrs, and Janssen's Geschichte des deutschen Volkes may be named as the leading sources.

He pretended not to see the flush on Keller's face as he told the lie; and his greeting to Della was distinguished by calm casualness. Later, when Warden told her that the Two Diamond had been lonely without her, and that the trail was in condition for travel, she readily agreed to accompany him.

"We arranged that I should wait downstairs," she said, "until I heard the bedroom bell ring and then I myself was to take up Mr. Keller's dinner of lentils and cream, and put it on his table without saying a word." "Exactly like a servant!" I exclaimed. Gentle sweet-tempered Minna answered my foolish interruption with her customary simplicity and good sense. "Why not?" she asked.

Keller's new housekeeper. 'Well? mamma asked, 'and what did he say when he heard that? 'He said nothing, Joseph answered, 'and went away directly." "Was that all that passed between your mother and Joseph?" "All," Minna replied. "My mother wouldn't even let me speak to her. I only tried to say a few words of sympathy and I was told sharply to be silent.

Sanderson protested eagerly, but in the end was overborne. They turned their backs upon each other, one headed for the Mimbres and the other for the trail that ran down to the Malpais country. When Jim Yeager separated from Phil after their discovery of Keller's hat and the deductions they drew from it, the former turned his pony toward the Frying Pan.

The time that one of Miss Keller's friends realizes most strongly that she is blind is when he comes on her suddenly in the dark and hears the rustle of her fingers across the page. The most convenient print for the blind is braille, which has several variations, too many, indeed English, American, New York Point. Miss Keller reads them all.

Nothing would be easier than to prove the date of your birth from well-known facts; we can only look on Mr. Keller's version as a work of imagination, and one, moreover, extremely offensive both to you and your mother. Of course he distorted the truth in order to strengthen your claim, and to serve your interests. Mr.

If any one doubts me, let him read Keller's Der Romische Civil Process und die Actionen, a treatise on the praetor's edict, Muirhead's most interesting Historical Introduction to the Private Law of Rome, and, to give him the best chance, Sohn's admirable Institutes. No. The way to gain a liberal view of your subject is not to read something else, but to get to the bottom of the subject itself.