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Updated: August 17, 2024

He needs a bit nip," and Drumsheugh settles himself in his seat, "or else there wud be nae leevin' wi' him." Peter escaped this winged shaft, for he had detected a woman in the remote darkness. "Keep's a', wumman, what are ye stravagin' about there for out o' a body's sicht? a' near set aff withoot ye." Then Peter recognised her face, and his manner softened of a sudden.

Keep then said that he had two or three hundred dollars on hand which he must dispose of in some way or other, and he asked his son what he should do with it. His son recommended that he should offer it to Albert. Albert formerly lived at Mr. Keep's, as a hired man, so that Mr. Keep knew him very well. "He is going on quite prosperously in his farm, I understand," said the doctor.

She was trying to rise, her eyes glazed with pain and her flanks heaving horribly. The blood-bay had kept his feet and his master his saddle a hardy pair, these two. But the desperate expedient had proved successful in that Issa was safe. Already Sir Gavan had her in his arms, and before the horseman had fully found himself the fugitives were under the shadow of the keep's walls.

And poor Johnny came on board on the pilot boat you ken, and he hadna a change, and Norman gave him the handkerchief and an old waistcoat of papa's, and " Janet's hands were uplifted in consternation. "Keep's and guide's lassie that I should say such a word. Your papa hadna an old waistcoat in his possession. What for did you do the like o' that?

"Losh keep's a', Leeby; ye say that? They maun hae haen a quarrel." "I'm thinkin' we'll hae Mr. Skinner i' the poopit the morn after a'." "It may be, it may be. Ay, ay, look, Leeby, whatna bit kimmer's that wi' the twa jugs in her hand?" "Eh? Ou, it'll be Lawyer Ogilvy's servant lassieky gaen to the farm o' T'nowhead for the milk. She gangs ilka Saturday nicht. But what did ye say twa jugs?

Drumsheugh was at first greatly exalted by his poll, and referred freely on market days to his "plumpers," but as time went on the irony of the situation laid hold upon him. "Think o' you and me, Hillocks, veesitin' the schule and sittin' wi' bukes in oor hands watchin' the Inspector. Keep's a', it's eneuch to mak' the auld Dominie turn in his grave.

"It's clean havers about the muir. Losh keep's, we've a' sleepit oot and never been a hair the waur. "A' admit that England micht hae dune the job; it's no cannie stravagin' yon wy frae place tae place, but Drums never complained tae me if he hed been nippit in the Sooth."

If they had been casks of muscavado and puncheons of rum it would have been better for the estate at this day; but there's little comparison between the auld keep at Kittlecourt and the castle o' Ellangowan; I doubt if the keep's forty feet of front. But ye make no breakfast, Mr. Mannering; ye're no eating your meat; allow me to recommend some of the kipper.

Na, na, Andra wesna brocht up in the Glen for naethin'. Maister MacOmish may hae taen his gless atween the Hebrew and the Greek, and it's no verra suitable for a minister, but that's anither thing frae bein' intoxicat." "Keep's a', if ye were tae pit me in the box this meenut, a' cudna sweer a hed ever seen a man intoxicat in ma life, except a puir body o' an English bag-man at Muirtown Station.

"He'll never be good for nowt, but to bide at home an' keep's hands clean. Why, look at Eli Redrup, not older nor our Frank, an' can do a man's work already." "Eli Redrup!" exclaimed Mrs Darvell in a shrill tone of disgust; "you'd never even our lad to a great fullish lout like Eli Redrup, with a head like a turmut!

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