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Updated: August 20, 2024

Josselyn gave them no better name, saying: "Their leading men are damnable rich, inexplicably covetous and proud; like Ethiopians, white in the teeth only; full of ludification and injurious dealing." Of Dunton's patrons the majority were ministers, and I hope all the reverend gentlemen were as prompt payers as they were liberal purchasers.

The beautiful great bronze birds had flown away from the white man's civilization and guns. Flocks of thousands of geese took their noisy, graceful V-shaped flight over New England, and were shot in large numbers. Dudley wrote home that doves were so plentiful that they obscured the light. Josselyn said he had bought in Boston a dozen pigeons all dressed for threepence.

We must pass over the hours as only stories and dreams do, and put ourselves, at ten of the clock that night, behind the green curtain and the footlights, in the blaze of the three rows of bright lamps, that, one above another, poured their illumination from the left upon the stage, behind the wide picture-frame. Susan Josselyn and Frank Scherman were just "posed" for "Consolation."

Rosamond told her, very sweetly, that we were obliged, but that she was afraid it was quite too late; we had asked others; the Hobarts, and the Inglesides; one or two whom Adelaide did not know, Helen Josselyn, and Lucilla Waters; the parties would not interfere much, after all. Rosamond took up, as it were, a little sceptre of her own, from that moment.

Susan and Martha Josselyn felt, on their part, as only busy workers feel who fasten the last thread, or dash a period to the last page, and turn around to breathe the breath of the free, and choose for once and for a while what they shall do.

Hence it may be seen that though there was not in Boston the "glorious phalanx of old maids" of Theodore Parker's description, yet the Boston old maid was lovely even in colonial days, though she did bear the odious name of thornback. An English traveller, Josselyn, gives a glimpse of Boston love-making in the year 1663.

It was not at all out of character to look on complacently while dogs worried an unhappy wolf, the same Josselyn writing of one taken in a trap: "A great mastiff held the wolf . . . Tying him to a stake we bated him with smaller doggs and had excellent sport; but his hinder leg being broken, they knocked out his brains."

It was very nice that this famous general should be his uncle, but not at all strange: they were just the sort of people he must belong to. And it was nicest of all that Dr. Ingleside and Susan Josselyn should have known each other, "in the glory of their lives," she phrased it to herself, with a little flash of girl-enthusiasm and a vague suggestion of romance. "Why didn't you tell us?" Mrs.

"You must have played a good deal," looking at Sue. "We play often at home, my sister and I; and I had some good practice in" There she stopped. "In the hospital," said Martha, with the sharp little way she took up sometimes. "Why shouldn't you tell of it?" "Has Miss Josselyn been in the hospitals?" asked Dakie Thayne, with a certain quick change in his tone.

Josselyn, writing in 1671, gives a New England dish, which he says is as good as whitpot, made of oatmeal, sugar, spice, and a "pottle of milk;" a pottle was two quarts. At a somewhat later date the New Hampshire settlers had a popular oatmeal porridge, in which the oatmeal was sifted, left in water, and allowed to sour, then boiled to a jelly, and was called "sowens."

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