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"The Prince none rides like our Karl!" said Jorian, familiarly, under his breath, but proudly withal. "He comes alone!" said I, wonderingly. For indeed Duke Casimir of the Wolfsberg never went ten lances' length from his castle without a small army at his tail. "Even so!" replied Jorian; "it is ever his custom. The officer who follows behind him has his work cut out and basted.

Jorian DeWitt had indeed compared them to the female ivy that would ultimately kill its tree, but inasmuch as they were parasites, they loved their debtor; he was life and support to them, and there was this remarkable fact about them: by slipping out of their clutches at critical moments when they would infallibly be pulling you down, you were enabled to return to them fresh, and they became inspired with another lease of lively faith in your future: et caetera.

Jorian DeWitt, by the way, you may not know him an esteemed old friend of mine, says that is, he said once to a tolerably impudent fellow whom he had disconcerted with a capital retort, "You may try to be a gentleman, and blunder at it, but if you will only try to be his humble servant, we are certain to establish a common footing."

A rather plainer view of my father's position, as I inclined to think, was afforded to me one morning at his breakfast-table, by a conversation between him and Jorian DeWitt, who brought me a twisted pink note from Mdlle. Chassediane, the which he delivered with the air of a dog made to disgorge a bone, and he was very cool to me indeed. The cutlets of Alphonse were subject to snappish criticism.

At all events, the great door opened, and a man of the same brick-red as all the other inhabitants of the town appeared at the portal. He bowed profoundly, and Jorian addressed him in some outlandishly compounded speech, of which I could only understand certain oft-recurring words, as "lodging," "victualling," and "order of the Prince."

With, Jorian admitted, a real courtly dignity, he stood up and proposed to lead the way to any neighbouring cabinet to show the spots on his person; living witnesses to the truth of his allegations, he declared them to be. The squire had authority for his broad farce, except in so far as he mixed up my father in the swinery of it.

'The Estate, pleaded my father, 'is here in its infancy on all fours 'Prehensile! Egad, it has the vices of the other three besides its own. Do you mean that by putting it on all fours? 'Jorian, I have noticed that when you are malignant you are not witty. We have to thank the man for not subjecting us to a pledge of secresy. My Lady Wilts will find the proofs amusing.

"One! Two! Three!" I counted, softly but clearly. The door was open, and the next I mind was my axe whirling about my head and Jorian rushing out of the other door a step ahead of me, with his broadsword in his hand. I cannot tell much about the fight. I never could all my days.

'Well, sir, I don't want to hear your comparisons, growled the squire, much oppressed. 'Stop a minute . . . 'Half a minute to me, sir, said my father, with a glowing reminiscence of Jorian DeWitt, which was almost too much for the combustible old man, even under Janet's admonition. My aunt Dorothy moved her head slightly toward my father, looking on the floor, and he at once drew in. 'Mr.

Only he must know exactly what things, otherwise I am mortally sorry for him he will have a rough road to travel. But to my tale. Jorian ushered Ysolinde and Helene into the rooms from which he had so unceremoniously ousted the former tenants.