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Updated: August 22, 2024

'I wish sometimes we had never known Lady Myrtle, said Frances. 'You and I have never been like this with each other before, Jass. 'Well, we needn't quarrel about it, said her sister. 'Let's try to keep off the subject of the Harper family. For I can do them no good. 'Very well, said Frances, though rather sadly.

The day had broken and the shadows flown, and God's child was like a young hart on the mountains of Bether. 'Mother, dun yo' think they'd put my name on th' Church register agen at Rehoboth? 'I cornd say, mi Jass, I'm sure. But why doesto ax me? 'Becose I should like to dee a member of th' owd place. Yo' know I were a member once. Sin' I've been lyin' here I've had some strange thoughts.

Her sisters, a good many years her juniors, had to a certain extent assimilated modern ideas. Frances hesitated. She could not bear in the least to decry her dear 'Jass, and yet she knew that her sister had so far troubled her head very little, if at all, about her aunt's girls' club or other philanthropic undertakings. 'Aunt Alison doesn't tell us much about all these things, she said.

I'm not sure, she went on, 'I'm not sure that Eugene can feel quite so so wild with happiness as I do. Oh Jass, it is almost too much. It takes my breath away. She was running out of the room, when she looked back for a moment. 'Jass, she began with a little hesitation, 'does mamma say anything more about Mrs Lyle, their aunt, you know? I wonder if she has seen her again?

So quick was Miss Betty that, although she answered almost at once, the tears were washed away, and she was passing a cool, wet towel over her eyes at the moment she spoke. "Jass me. I brung yo' breakfas', honey."

I should not mind his having an appointment in London, or some county thing that wouldn't give him much to do, about here perhaps. But to go and slave in some horrid dirty place where there would be no one we could speak to; that would be a come-down after the position he has had in India. 'Oh Jass, said Frances, 'don't let us spoil this beautiful news by thinking of anything disagreeable.

'Oh, exclaimed Frances, looking greatly troubled, 'oh, Jass, I do hope it's not true. 'I should not be very sorry, said Jacinth, 'except, she added with some effort, 'except for your sake. And of course I have never said that they were not very nice girls. I know they are, only it has been so tiresome and unlucky. I just wish we had never known them.

And then I do hope mamma will say it is best to tell Jass all about it, whether Jass is vexed with me or not; and even if there's no chance of making Lady Myrtle kind to them, I'd far rather Jass knew all I know. She sighed, but there was relief in her sigh.

Jacinth, more and more curious, took the letters which Frances gave her, and began to read them eagerly. Rather unfortunately, the first she began was Camilla Harper's, and she went to the end of it in spite of Frances's 'Oh, do read mamma's first, Jass.

"Ungry" is worse than "nungry"; you mustn't get into the way of dropping your "h's," whatever you do. That matters more than baby talking; it's vulgar. 'It's very unkind of you to call me vulgar, said Eugene, in a very plaintive voice, 'and I'll tell you what, Jass, I'm getting so fir wursty, I mean, that I just can't go all the way back wifout a drink.

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