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God only knows all our hearts, and I would fain believe that I may find more favour in the eyes of the Almighty, than I have in this world from those who but we must not judge. Give me to drink, Japhet I am sinking fast. God bless you, my dear fellow." The Major sank on his pillow, after he had moistened his lips, and spoke no more.

"I am no more a sailor than you are, Japhet, and since you left me have never yet seen the salt water, which I talk and sing so much about." "Then thou hast been deceiving, Timothy, which I regret much." "Now I do perceive that you are a Quaker," replied Tim; "but do not blame me until you have heard my story. Thank God, I have found you at last.

The arms of Europe were tested against those of Asia, as much as the courage of the descendants of Japhet was with the daring of the children of Ishmael.

Why, don't you know that I was in the ark?" "In the ark?" cries Tommy: "why you aren't Noah, are you, grandpapa?" "Oh no, I'm not Noah." "Ah, then you're Shem." "No, not Shem, either." "Oh, then I suppose you're Japhet." "No, you haven't guessed right: I'm not Japhet." "Well, then, grandpapa," said the child, driven to the extremity of his biblical knowledge, "you must be one of the beasts."

I arrived at Mr Masterton's, and walked into his room, when whom should I find in company with him but Harcourt. "Japhet, I'm glad to see you: allow me to introduce you to Mr Harcourt Mr De Benyon," and the old gentleman grinned maliciously, but I was not to be taken aback.

It appears, as far as I could obtain it from him, that as long as your mother was alive, he felt no interest about you, but her death, and the subsequent wealth which poured upon him, have now induced him to find out an heir, to whom it may be bequeathed. "Such, Japhet, are the outlines of your father's history; and I must point out that he has no feelings of affection for you at present.

But how are we to manage that?" "Ay! that's the rub; but there is time enough to think about it when we intend to quit our present occupation." "Well, I understand from Melchior that we are to start in a few days?" "What is it to be, Japhet?" "Oh! we shall be at home we are to cure all diseases under the sun. To-morrow we commence making pills, so we may think ourselves with Mr Cophagus again."

Still, there may be something in it, for though that Japhet is stupid, he's honest, and honest men sometimes get hold of the right end of the stick. At least, he believes there is something, and that's what weighs with me." "Well, if that's your opinion, what's best to be done Sergeant?

The master-priest informs you that slavery is consecrated and sanctified by the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament: that Ham was the father of Canaan, and all his posterity were doomed, by his own father, to be hewers of wood and drawers of water to the descendants of Shem and Japhet: that the native Americans of African descent are the children of Ham, with the curse of Noah still fastened upon them; and the native Americans of European descent are children of Japhet, pure Anglo-Saxon blood, born to command, and to live by the sweat of another's brow.

This was in the morning just before I was about to walk over to the shop, and I left the house in a state of anxiety and suspense. When I arrived at the shop, I found Tim there as usual; but the colour in his face was heightened as he said to me, "Read this, Japhet," and handed to me the "Reading Mercury." I read an advertisement as follows: