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Updated: August 10, 2024

It is more soberly coloured on the upper side than the last-named, being chiefly white and brown, but the underside is more beautiful, having a row of five red ocelli with black irides on each wing and other pretty markings. The lyccenides, or "blues," are represented by no less than 154 species, several of them of surpassing beauty.

Hannibal led on, Morgan followed, and I was last, and I was beginning to feel glad that we were leaving the dead behind, where they lay beneath the great cypress, when Hannibal turned round and raised his axe to point as it seemed to me in the direction of the forest beyond the garden, and to my horror it appeared as if the man had been seized with a fresh desire to shed blood, for his great lips were drawn away from his glistening teeth, his eyes opened widely showing broad rings of white round the dark irides, and throwing up the axe ready to strike, he dropped the gun and literally bounded at me.

There's a little watch up there on the roof of the bank to test those glasses by. His lids came down on the lower rims of his irides. Can't see it. If you imagine it's there you can almost see it. Can't see it. He faced about and, standing between the awnings, held out his right hand at arm's length towards the sun. Wanted to try that often. Yes: completely.

The bill is orange and black, the caruncles on his forehead orange, and the cere orange; the orbits scarlet, and the irides white. Below the bare part of the neck there is a cinereous ruff.

The terrible requiem of the storm the cannibal white shark welcomed me with open jaws; the blue shark flung up his caudal for joy; the fox-shark lashed the sea; the northern shark glared through his purblind orbs; the hammer-head dilated his yellow irides; the purple dog-fish made a low purring huzza; and the spotted eyes of the monk-fish glistened with satisfaction.

Mystified by the metaphor, for some moments she remained gazing at me in silence her large antelope eyes interrogating me in the midst of her astonishment. So lovely were those eyes, that had their irides been blue instead of brown, I might have fancied they were Lilian's! In all but colour, they looked exactly like hers as I had once seen them.

Benson, Burnett, Demaux, Lawson, Morison, Reuling, Samelson, and others also report congenital deficiency of the irides in both eyes. Jeaffreson describes a female of thirty, living in India, who was affected with complete ossification of the iris. It was immovable and quite beautiful when seen through the transparent cornea; the sight was only slightly impaired. No cause was traceable.

Its eyes were open now, large, luminous, earnest, with a wave of solid pride sweeping on through the irides and almost overwhelming the pupils. The mouth, oh, those lips! ever uttered they a prayer? They look, trembling the while, so unutterably unforgiving! When they come to stand before the I AM, will they ever plead? It is hard to think the Deity maketh such souls. Doth He?

Fur, whiteness of, in Arctic animals in winter. Fur-bearing animals, acquired sagacity of. Gallicrex, sexual difference in the colour of the irides in. Gallicrex cristatus, pugnacity of male; red carbuncle occurring in the male during the breeding-season.

The other boy in the family had a total absence of irides, but he could see fairly well with the left eye. Anomalies of the Ears. Bilateral absence of the external ears is quite rare, although there is a species of sheep, native of China, called the "Yungti," in which this anomaly is constant. Bartholinus, Lycosthenes, Pare, Schenck, and Oberteuffer have remarked on deficient external ears.

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