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Updated: August 27, 2024

To see into your physical eyes, and touch your hand, and hear your voice these were but intermediary methods, symbols, at the best. For you I never saw nor touched nor heard. I felt you in my heart. The closest intimacy we knew was when together we shared one moment of the same beauty; no other intimacy approaches the reality of that; it is now strengthened to a degree unrealized before.

Maybe it is just kind-heartedness that has kept him acting as intermediary between the persons who furnish money for my education, and myself." "And why does he tip you so generously?" "Oh er Well, I don't know." "Is that out of his own pocket, do you think?" asked the shrewd Jennie. "Well "

In several passages Kṛishṇa is made to worship Śiva as the Supreme Spirit and in others vice versa Śiva celebrates the glory of Kṛishṇa. Vishnuites do not disbelieve in Śiva but they regard him as a god of this world, whereas their own deity is cosmic and universal. Many Vishnuite works are said to be revealed by Śiva who acts as an intermediary between us and higher spheres.

"And to think," she said presently, "that I hoped but truly hoped with all my heart to reconcile them! To think that I offered myself to Karen as an intermediary. It was true yes, literally true what I told Mrs. Forrester that I spoke to Karen of it with all love and gentleness and that she turned upon me like a tigress." "And you'll recollect," said Mrs.

Bixio was one day to be intimately mixed up in Franco-Italian politics, in which he acted as intermediary between Cavour and Prince Napoleon. Royer Collard, Jules Simon, Michelet, Ozanum, Quinet, and the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz were then giving lectures, which Cavour found time to attend. The great Rachel filled the stage.

He offered to act as intermediary between Great Britain and France in order to bring about an honourable peace. The British Government refused, and it is stated on incontrovertible authority that Alexander was furious, and upbraided the British with having used troops, which should have been sent to Russia's aid, to crush Denmark.

And this time also he did not consider himself personally in danger. There was only one thing that he really feared: the arrest of his intermediary, Hunter, whose trial might have drawn him into the affair.

Now, a nervous system being pre-eminently a mechanism which serves as intermediary between sensations and volitions, the true "nervous system" of the plant seems to be the mechanism or rather chemicism sui generis which serves as intermediary between the impressionability of its chlorophyl to light and the producing of starch: which amounts to saying that the plant can have no nervous elements, and that the same impetus that has led the animal to give itself nerves and nerve centres must have ended, in the plant, in the chlorophyllian function.

Every word that might be significant in his bedeviling invitation of February twenty-second was gone over with the minatory harshness of medieval inquisitors. "February twenty-second. Why is that day?" Deming explained through his intermediary. His interrogators persisted in the idea that it was a pregnant date in English history and had some sinister meaning like Guy Fawkes day.

We need not deny that dreams and delirium may have given palpable shape to the conception of a ghost, and may also have helped forward the notion of a spirit by furnishing something intermediary between the grossness of our waking sense-experiences, and the altogether elusive and difficult thought of unembodied will and intelligence independent of space and time.

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