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Skirting the north bank of the Serpentine at morning or evening in the summer, the opposite shore appears absolutely pink with nude humanity, the younger portion dancing and gambolling very much after the manner of Robinson Crusoe's cannibals. The bathers occasionally look a great deal better out of their integuments than in them.

III. The 'thigh-bone' had been broken a fortnight. It was a compound fracture: the divided edges of the bone protruded through the integuments, and there was no disposition to unite. It is not in one case in a hundred that an animal thus situated can be saved. We failed in our efforts, and the dog was ultimately destroyed. IV. The 'femur' was broken near the hip.

There are the same rigid integuments, of the red of a cough-lozenge or virgin wax; the same cephalic mask, in which the future mouth-parts are represented by faintly marked tubercles; the same thoracic studs, which are the vestiges of the legs; the same distribution of the stigmata. I was therefore firmly convinced that the parasite of the Mantis-hunters could only be a Meloid.

The wound in itself was not a dangerous one, although the disturbance among the bundle of integuments threw the discomfited duellist into almost mortal agony, and led him to believe he was a dead man, while experiencing in his own person a liberal share of the pain he was so ready to inflict on others. The Betsey remained some weeks at the levee at New Orleans before Mr.

In point of tenderness, his muscular integuments could scarcely compare with those of the Irishman, whose bright skin promised These are horrid thoughts. They should not be her repeated, were it not to show in its true light the terrible extremes, both of thought and action, to which men may be reduced by starvation.

We hence inferred that they were rational beings, and, although not perhaps of so high an order as others which we discovered the next month on the shores of the Bay of Rainbows, that they were capable of producing works of art and contrivance.... They possessed wings of great expansion, similar in construction to those of the bat, being a semi-transparent membrane united in curvilinear divisions by means of straight radii, united at the back by the dorsal integuments.

The severe pains and livid patches were frequently associated with swellings in various parts, and especially in the lower extremities, accompanied with stiffness and contractions of the knee joints and ankles, and often with a brawny feel of the parts, as if lymph had been effused between the integuments and apeneuroses, preventing the motion of the skin over the swollen parts.

Sensibilities not covered with their normal integuments. A negative condition, often confounded with genius, and sometimes running into it. Young people who fall out of line through weakness of the active faculties are often confounded with those who step out of it through strength of the intellectual ones.

Ascites. A young lady of delicate constitution having been exposed to great fear, cold, and fatigue, by the overturn of a chaise in the night, began with pain and tumour in the right hypochondrium: in a few months a fluctuation was felt throughout the whole abdomen, more distinctly perceptible indeed about the region of the stomach; since the integuments of the lower part of the abdomen generally become thickened in this disease by a degree of anasarca.

These mummies are in a state of desiccation so singular, that whole bodies, with their integuments, frequently do not weigh above six or seven pounds; or a third less than the skeleton of an individual of the same size, recently stripped of the muscular flesh.