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The strangers did all these things, and asked many questions about women mostly to which Hurree returned gay and unstudied answers. They gave him a glass of whitish fluid like to gin, and then more; and in a little time his gravity departed from him.

'Will they kill thee? 'Oah, thatt is nothing. I am good enough Herbert Spencerian, I trust, to meet little thing like death, which is all in my fate, you know. But but they may beat me. 'Why? Hurree Babu snapped his fingers with irritation.

Ten steps would have taken Hurree into the creaking gloom utterly beyond their reach to the shelter and food of the nearest village, where glib-tongued doctors were scarce. But he preferred to endure cold, belly-pinch, bad words, and occasional blows in the company of his honoured employers. Crouched against a tree-trunk, he sniffed dolefully.

He preferred to sway the lama by his own speech not through the wiles of Hurree Babu. 'Assuredly. I told him of my dream, and of the manner by which I had acquired merit by causing thee to be taught wisdom. 'Thou didst not say I was a Sahib? 'What need? I have told thee many times we be but two souls seeking escape.

He himself had been taught by the Sahibs, who do not consider expense, in the lordly halls of Calcutta; but, as he was ever first to acknowledge, there lay a wisdom behind earthly wisdom the high and lonely lore of meditation. Kim looked on with envy. The Hurree Babu of his knowledge oily, effusive, and nervous was gone; gone, too, was the brazen drug-vendor of overnight.

When all the evil is done, look you when these two strangers with the levels and the compasses make the Five Kings to believe that a great army will sweep the Passes tomorrow or the next day Hill-people are all fools comes the order to me, Hurree Babu, "Go North and see what those strangers do."

It is an awful thing still to dread the magic that you contemptuously investigate to collect folk-lore for the Royal Society with a lively belief in all Powers of Darkness. Mahbub chuckled. He had been out with Hurree on the Road ere now. 'Let us finish the colouring, said he. 'The boy is well protected if if the Lords of the Air have ears to hear.

All came about as swiftly as the sudden mountain-darkness. 'They have taken the baggage and all the guns, yelled the Frenchman, firing blindly into the twilight. 'All right, sar! All right! Don't shoot. I go to rescue, and Hurree, pounding down the slope, cast himself bodily upon the delighted and astonished Kim, who was banging his breathless foe's head against a boulder.

And as Hurree goes by on his way home, his prophetic soul tells him that his son will not live the happy and independent life which has fallen to his lot. But he has a bulwark still in the dhobie, for the "Tailor and Outfitter" will not repair frayed cuffs, and the sewing machine cannot put on buttons.

However, Hurree does not tremble, but pleads that it was necessary to make the garment "leetle silope," and though he admits that the slope is too great, he thinks the mistake can be remedied, and is pulling the cloth to see if it will not stretch to the required shape. Failing this, he has other remedies of a technical kind to suggest.