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'Not yet; but if a boy rose up who is now sitting here and went look, the door is open! as far as a certain house with a red-painted veranda, behind that which was the old theatre in the Lower Bazar, and whispered through the shutters: "Hurree Chunder Mookerjee bore the bad news of last month", that boy might take away a belt full of rupees. 'How many? said Kim promptly.

The scissors with which the operation was performed are still lying open upon the ground before him. His head is thrown so far back that the great turban rests between his shoulder blades, his brow is corrugated with perplexity, his mouth a little open, as if his lower jaw could not quite follow the rest of his upturned face. Hurree cannot know much about toothache.

'I superintended entire operation, which was most interesting from ethnological point of view. It was high-class dawut. 'Huh! said Kim, recognizing Hurree Babu, who smiled ingratiatingly. 'And also I had honour to bring down from Lurgan your present costume. I am not in the habit offeecially of carrying such gauds to subordinates, but' he giggled 'your case is noted as exceptional on the books.

The rest I threw down the hill. He could hear the key's grate in the lock, the sticky pull of the slow-rending oilskin, and a quick shuffling of papers. He had been annoyed out of all reason by the knowledge that they lay below him through the sick idle days a burden incommunicable. For that reason the blood tingled through his body, when Hurree, skipping elephantinely, shook hands again.

..........I will lay a plot for their ruin! O Prophet, bear with the unbelievers. Let them alone awhile! Huneefa's face, turned to the northward, worked horribly, and it was as though voices from the ceiling answered her. Hurree Babu returned to his note-book, balanced on the window-sill, but his hand shook.

And Hurree is not ungrateful, for I observe that, when the dhobie delivers up your clothes in a state which requires the Dirzee, the Dirzee always gives them back in a condition which demands the dhobie. "Another custom is their sitting always on the ground with their knees up to their chins, which I know not how to account for." Daniel Johnson I have been watching Thomas Otway, gardener.

Under the striped umbrella Hurree Babu was straining ear and brain to follow the quick-poured French, and keeping both eyes on a kilta full of maps and documents an extra-large one with a double red oil-skin cover. He did not wish to steal anything. He only desired to know what to steal, and, incidentally, how to get away when he had stolen it.

To Hurree Ganesh, January. Mr. Esmith, Esquire Dr. To supplying grass to one horse Rs. 7 0 0 Ditto to half a horse 3 8 0 Total Rs. 10 8 0 E. E.& contents received. The half a horse was a cow. As the monsoon draws to a close and the weather begins to get colder, a man in a tight brown suit and leather belt, with an unmistakable flavour of sport about him, presents himself at the door.

'But I want to know, said Kim, laughing. 'If it is the Game, I may help. Hurree Babu reached for the pipe, and sucked it till it gurgled again. 'Now I will speak vernacular. You sit tight, Mister O'Hara ... It concerns the pedigree of a white stallion. 'Still? That was finished long ago. 'When everyone is dead the Great Game is finished. Not before. Listen to me till the end.

And Kim, as interested in the life of this world as she soon to leave it, squatted with his feet under the hem of his robe, drinking all in, while the lama demolished one after another every theory of body-curing put forward by Hurree Babu.