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Councilmen 1st Ward William Given, George Whitelaw, Buckley Stedman. 2d Ward Alexander McIntosh, William Bingham, Samuel Williamson. 3d Ward Arthur Hughes, Abner C. Brownell, Levi Johnson. Mayor William Case. President of the Council John Gill, Aldermen John Gill, Leander M. Hubby, Abner C. Brownell, Buckley Stedman.

We generally do when we're let alone. To sort of string the fun out I suggests goin' somewhere for tea. And it was while we're swappin' josh over the toasted crumpets and marmalade that we discovers a familiar-lookin' couple on the dancin' surface. "Why, there's Doris!" says Vee. "And the happy hubby!" I adds. "Hey, Westy! Come nourish yourself." Maybe you remember that pair?

'By the way, that reminds me, said the king, 'that for as long as we have been married, I have never seen your feet, queen. I think you might take off your shoes when you go to bed! They positively hurt me sometimes. 'I will do as I like, retorted the queen sulkily. 'You ought to do as your own hubby wishes you, said the king. 'I will not, said the queen.

After you dance with hubby, you've got to waltz with me." "Got to?" Val raised her eyebrows, though the expression was lost upon him. "Sure. Look at the way I worked like a horse, saving your life and the cat's and now leading you all over town to keep those nice white slippers clean! By rights, you oughtn't to dance with anybody else. But I ain't looking for real gratitude.

You couldn't help seein' how she had it framed up, the whole Corrugated Trust and half of Wall Street holdin' its breath while hubby, J. Hemmingway Piddie, Esq., worked his giant intellect for the good of the country. "That's it," says I. "I couldn't say pos'tive that he'd be as late as four o'clock; but " "Oh! then we'll not wait," says she, "Come, Hemmingway, we must go home."

"Now that's a fine question for a ten-hours' wifey to ask her hubby, ain't it? Am I sorry, she asks me before the wedding crowd has turned the corner. Lord, honey, I never expected anything like you to happen to me!" She stroked his coat-sleeve, mouthing back tears. "Now everybody'll say you're a goner for sure marrying a Popular Store girl."

Councilmen 1st Ward Richard Norton, John Gill, Charles M. Read. 2d Ward Henry B. Payne, Leander M. Hubby, Thomas C. Floyd. 3d Ward Samuel Starkweather, Robert Parks, William J. Gordon. Mayor Flavel W. Bingham. President of the Council William Case. Aldermen William Case, Alexander Seymour, John Gill.

And as Hubby stands there lookin' helpless, with J. Bayard starin' disturbed, but makin' no move, it appears like it was up to me to take a hand. "Don't mind the furniture, Ma'am," says I. "Take a whack at the desk too, if you like; but after you're through throwin' the fit maybe you'll let us know what it's all about." At which she begins rockin' back and forth and moanin' doleful.

John smiled in his quiet way as he came up to the porch and handed the girl an envelope with the Boyd City postmark. Then the old people both laughed at the other's pretty confusion when Anna, rising, said in her teasing voice, "Come on hubby, I'll fix your dinner. We've kept it warm. Can't you see the selfish thing wants to be alone with her treasure?" But when Mrs.

'Gudrun says she could not bear to be married and put into a house, said Ursula meaningful they knew this referred to Gerald. He was silent for some moments. 'Well, he said, 'if you know beforehand you couldn't stand it, you're safe. 'Quite! said Gudrun. 'Why DOES every woman think her aim in life is to have a hubby and a little grey home in the west? Why is this the goal of life?