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Updated: August 25, 2024

"How-do, Ruth," he returned; but it must be confessed that he was not as bright and smiling as usual, and he looked away from Ruth and after Parloe the next moment. As the girl reached the machine Uncle Jabez came to the mill door again. He observed Ruth about to get in and he came down the steps and strode toward the Cameron automobile.

"There's a chance for you boys to see some real action," declared one of the masters-at-arms. "If the Hun comes out of Kiel, we'll be there to say 'How-do! to him." The boys who had been absent from the battleship for so long found, however, that the spiritual atmosphere of the crew was not much changed. There were still a lot of "croakers" as Torry called them.

Meyerburg's room of many periods, its vastness so emphasized by the ceiling after Paolo Veronese, its fluted yellow-silk bed canopy reaching up to that ceiling stately and theatric enough to shade the sleep of a shah, limped Mrs. Fischlowitz timidly and with the uncertainty with which the callous feet of the unsocialistic poor tread velvet. "How-do, Mrs. Fischlowitz?" "Mrs.

"How-do!" cooed Sophy in her best baby tones. Louie's disapproving eyes jumped from the objectionable V in Sophy's dress to the lure of Sophy's face, and their expression underwent a lightning change. There was no disapproving Sophy's face, no matter how long one had dwelt in Oskaloosa. "I won't bite you," said Sophy. "I'm never vicious on Tuesdays.

"You be gittin' to be a smart young chap, Marty," proclaimed Walky, coming slowly up the steps with a package for Mrs. Day and his book to be signed. The odor of spirits was wafted before him. Walky's face was as round and red as an August full moon. "How-do, Janice," he said. "What d'yeou think of them fule committeemen startin' this yarn abeout Nelson Haley?"

But they wore garments, and some of the garments were identical and impressive, so they could be guessed to be uniforms. "How-do," said the voice that had guided the ship down. "We are r-ready to listen to your message." Sergeant Madden said heavily: "We humans believe you Huks have got a good fleet. We believe you've got a good army.

They said "How-do?" to them, and things like that; and what annoyed the boys was that Peter seemed to think this all right. Secretly Wendy sympathised with them a little, but she was far too loyal a housewife to listen to any complaints against father. "Father knows best," she always said, whatever her private opinion must be. Her private opinion was that the redskins should not call her a squaw.

But when Louise reached the piazza and glanced quickly down at him, he was moving on. The cool interior of a broad hall with a stairway mounting out of it and a screened dining-room at one side, welcomed the girl. A bustling young woman in checked gingham, which fitted her as though it were a mold for her rather plump figure, met the visitor. "How-do!" she said briskly. "Goin' to stop?"

"How-do," called the driver with a squirt of tobacco over the front wheel at a rancher loping across the trail. "How-do; y' are up early, y' son of a gun! What d' y' know?" "Senator's goin' t' stand again this fall," called the man. The driver emitted another damn't in true Western style just as innocently as an Easterner says "Oh, yes, indeed," or an Englishman says "My word."

At the turning of the knob there bounced into the room a vision in an Alice-blue suit, plumes to match, pearl earrings, elaborate coiffure of reddish-gold and a complexion that showed an unbelievable trust in the credulity of mankind. "How-do, dearie!" exclaimed the vision. "You poor kid, you!

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