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Nor did wild rumors of all sorts fail to exaggerate, and still the more horrify the true histories of these deadly encounters.

"We in England have Comic Histories, Comic Geographies, and Comic Grammars, but a Comic Bible would horrify us. At sight of such blasphemy Bumble would stand aghast, and Mrs. Grundy would scream with terror. But Bumble and Mrs. Grundy are less important personages in France, and so the country of Rabelais and Voltaire produces what we are unable to tolerate in thought."

Jacket was more than gratified at the effect of his recital, for children screamed, women shuddered, and men turned shocked eyes upon one another. He realized that with a little further practice and a more diligent attention to detail he could horrify the stoutest-hearted listener, nay, cause hysterical women to swoon.

"Ah, ca ira, ca ira" she laughed, humming beneath her breath a few notes out of that terrible song. "But you know French let us talk in that language; we shall horrify no one then." "I cannot speak it readily; I am chiefly self-taught." "The best teaching. Mon dieu!

But here it wuz fearful impressive for the savages that destroyed her wuz in livin' form, they haint always materialized. Yes, it wuz a awful seen. And jest beyond it, wuz Burgoyne a scoldin' the savages for the cruelty of the deed. Curius, haint it? How the acts and deeds of a man that he sets to goin', when they have come to full fruition skare him most to death, horrify him by the sight.

I suppose I seemed to her like the mad women who were just then rising up to horrify the respectability of England a phenomenon of Nature too portentous to be comprehended, or even to be contemplated, by a gentlewoman of the South! There came in due course a couple of letters from Douglas van Tuiver.

To lie to, to cheat, to steal from, to kill, aliens is no admitted sin in the moral decalogue of the Germans when an advantage can be derived. Murder, senseless destruction, violation of women, obscenity, do not therefore horrify them.

Come, come now, not so many affectations: for the lost time, how much do you want? A hundred francs? You horrify me. Let me go away. He cast a fearful look upon her, and said, with a laugh which chilled her blood: Oh, you want to go away. Well, how about the money I have spent on you, and on your journey? Your money! I did not ask you for it.

The superstition of these poor fellows, and the circumstantial accounts which they give, with the utmost earnestness and self-conviction, would horrify any man not accustomed to their ways.

And believing herself to be securely screened from observation, she gave way to violent emotion, and wept hot tears with a passionate outpouring of prayer which bent her like a rushing wind. Lisa looked on in amazement, for the Mehudins were not known to be particularly pious; indeed, Claire was accustomed to speak of religion and priests in such terms as to horrify one.