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To settle everything the Widow made out a diagram, which the reader should have a chance of inspecting in an authentic copy, if these pages were allowed under any circumstances to be the vehicle of illustrations. At the head of the table, the Hostess, Widow Marilla Rowens. Opposite her, at the other end, Rev. Dr. Honeywood.

Agatha, wondering, uncomfortable, recommenced what she jestingly called "her little rebellion." "I see, Mr. Harper, your heart is inclining to this place, though why or wherefore I cannot tell. But do incline it back again! We must have the other house that delicious Honeywood." "My dear little wife! Nobody could live at Honeywood under a thousand a year." "Well, and have we not that?

His bereaved congregation immediately began pulling candidates on and off, like new boots, on trial. Some pinched in tender places; some were too loose; some were too square-toed; some were too coarse, and didn't please; some were too thin, and wouldn't last; in short, they couldn't possibly find a fit. At last people began to drop in to hear old Doctor Honeywood.

I am sure I thought I had more money than ever I could do with. How much have I?" He hesitated she fancied it was at the thoughtless "I," and generously changed the expression. "How much have we?" "Enough I will make it enough to keep you from wanting anything, and give you all the luxuries to which you were born. But not enough to warrant us in living at Honeywood.

They were wonderful animals, just as fine as any I have ever seen, and I think I know and understand horses pretty well. There is one, Honeywood, a beautiful stallion, who was the winner of the Cambridgeshire stakes at Newmarket, England, in 1911. I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful animal.

Captain Colston of the 2d is here " "Very good. I will see him now. That is all, major." The chief of staff withdrew. Captain Colston of the 2d approached from the shadows beyond the big pine and saluted. "You are from this region, captain?" "Yes, sir. The Honeywood Colstons." "This stone mill is upon your land?" "Yes, sir. My mother owns it." "You have been about the dam as a boy?" "Yes, sir.

That of Honeywood, in its undistinguishing benevolence, hears some resemblance to his own.

Here preached the Reverend Pierrepont Honeywood, D. D., successor, after a number of generations, to the office and the parsonage of the Reverend Didymus Bean, before mentioned, but not suspected of any of his alleged heresies.

This was the dangerous vein of speculation in which the Reverend Doctor Honeywood found himself involved, as a consequence of the suggestions forced upon him by old Sophy's communication.

This was the dangerous vein of speculation in which the Reverend Doctor Honeywood found himself involved, as a consequence of the suggestions forced upon him by old Sophy's communication.