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He was too restless to sit down, and, sauntering to the window, he drew aside the curtains and looked out at the river, with the lights from the railway bridge reflected on its dark surface. "There is no reason why I shouldn't do it no reason why I should fear a refusal on her part," he thought. "The clouds have blown over. Noah Hawker's silence can be explained only in one way.

And all the way a long way Guthrie Carey had to make efforts not to bore his hostess. They talked about the clear air and the dun-coloured land the richest sheep-country in the colony, but now without a blade of green upon it and made comments upon three bullock drays piled with wool bales, and two camping sundowners, and one Chinaman hawker's cart, which they encountered on the way.

The handsome head was raised, and my eyes met George Hawker's. I could not see the fierce, desperate villain who had kept our country-side in terror so long; I could only see the handsome, curly-headed boy who used to play with James Stockbridge and myself in Drumston churchyard! And, seeing him, and him only, I sat down beside him, and put my arm round his neck.

Grief paused his harangue and they sat in silence, their lips apart, their eyes from time to time exchanging eloquent messages. A dulled melodious babble came from Hawker's studio. At length Pennoyer murmured wistfully, "I would like to see her." Wrinkles started noiselessly to his feet. "Well, I tell you she's a peach.

I need not say that anyone who lets his tongue wag about it is likely to come to a worse end than this bloodhound. We will have another glass of grog before you turn out; the streets won't be quiet for another hour yet, and there is another guinea of this worthy hawker's to be spent. Summers, make another big bowl of punch. Don't put so much water in it as you did in the last."

When he was seated he looked at it in open defiance and hatred. Men in the street were shovelling at the snow. The noise of their instruments scraping on the stones came plainly to Hawker's ears in a harsh chorus, and this sound at this time was perhaps to him a miserere. "I came to tell you," he began, "I came to tell you that perhaps I am going away." "Going away!" she cried. "Where?"

"Oh, great Scott!" he said, making a gesture of despair. Florinda returned to the window. In the ensuing conversation she took no part, save when there was an opportunity to harry some speech of Hawker's, which she did in short contemptuous sentences. Hawker made no reply save to glare in her direction. At last he said, "Well, I must go over and do some work."

ELIJAH, the Tishbite, by Krummacher, with portrait, 2s. 6d. HAWKER'S Morning Portion, 2s. HAWKER'S Evening Portion, 2s. 6d. HAWKER'S Daily Portion, 4s. 6d. ROWLAND HILL'S Village Dialogues, 3s. 6d. JENK'S PRAYERS and Offices of Devotion, with an Introduction by the Rev. Albert Barnes, 2s. 6d. ROMAINE'S Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith, with a portrait, 3s. 6d.

"I think not, sir; but I can explain how you come to think you have. You remember, sir, that I knew all about Mrs. Hawker's history?" "Yes! Yes! Go on." "That young fellow is George Hawker's son." It came upon me like a thunderbolt. This, then, was the illegitimate son that he had by his cousin Ellen. Oh miserable child of sin and shame! to what end, I wondered, had he been saved till now?

Lordie, but this is a situation!" A heavy scowl settled upon Hawker's brow, and he kicked at the dressing case. "Say, Hollie, look here! Sometimes I think you regard me as a bug and like to see me wriggle. But " "Oh, don't be a fool!" said Hollanden, glaring through the smoke.