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Updated: August 23, 2024

They chided me all the day long, continually repeating, and harping over and over the same things, even before the servants. How often have I made my meals on my tears, which were interpreted as the most criminal in the world! They said, I would be damned; as if the tears would open Hell for me, which surely they were more likely to extinguish.

Whether the date is rightly given, as we have assumed it to be, or not, at all events that harping upon this one phrase indicates that some season of great trial was its birth-time, when all the writer's thoughts were engrossed and his prayers summed up in the one thing deliverance. He is quite sure that such deliverance must follow if the Angel presence be there.

"Yes, duty," she said haughtily, disengaging herself. "For the years of happiness retribution will be exacted." "How? In making soup, nursing one another, looking at one another and pretending, in harping on principles, as we ourselves fade? If one half falls ill and retrogresses, shall the other who is strong, who hears the call of life, allow himself to be held back by duty?" "Yes.

Through branches, themselves as heavy and stalwart as young trees, and through the myriads of arrow-pointed leaves that rustled as they sifted and shifted the gold flakes of sunlight, sounded the low, mysterious harping of wind-fingers as light and yet as profound as those of some dreaming organist.

He adores the west, but he can't endure its cooking. He's always harping on his mother's pantry and the good old down-east dinners. He's dyspeptic and pessimistic most of the time, and he's got half a dozen cronies just like himself. All they think of is railroads and bills of fare." "Railroads!" I cried. And then an awful thought assailed me.

Ricord was along, and night and day he was harping on his scheme; but he disgusted Colonel Mason with his flattery, and, on reaching Monterey, he opened what he called a law-office, but there were neither courts nor clients, so necessity forced him to turn his thoughts to something else, and quicksilver became his hobby.

I wonder why you say that?" he said, looking searchingly at the little man. "Only because Lambert is in the " "Lambert! Lambert! You are always harping on Lambert." "I have your interest at heart." Pine laughed doubtfully. "I am not so sure of that. Self-interest rather. I trust my wife " "You do, since you make me spy on her," said Silver caustically.

For he was blazing with fever, and talking all sorts of nonsense about his mother and Aunt Judith. It was his constant harping on the people who had died which so worried her; because, of course, she very naturally thought that he was going to die too.

Wisdom and beauty and power may sometimes, as I think, come to those who die every day they live, though their dying may not be like the dying Shakespeare spoke of. There is a war between the living and the dead, and the Irish stories keep harping upon it.

They think only tailors and old-clothes men and ." "Selene!" "Well, they do. You you're all right, mama, as up to date as any of them, but how do you think a girl feels, with gramaw always harping right in front of everybody the way granpa was a revolutionist and was hustled off barefooted to Siberia like a tramp? And the way she was cooking black beans when my uncle died.

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